To Live and Dream

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Maybe it was easier of the two choices. Maybe he still had some fight left in him. 

As he stood on the edge of the rooftop, one step from free-fall, he thought about how the unaware Baek Kyung would be treated. He imagined Haru's smug face spitting shit like "The stage will change soon anyways, you won't even remember it if I told you." He imagined Dohwa pitying him for a couple of days. He imagined feeling all weird and confused by DanOh's rejections and hurtful behaviour towards himself. Jinmiche would be over the moon from the news of his lost awareness. He took a step back and got off the ledge. He couldn't let that happen. He didn't want to go back to being left out and not understanding people making fun of him. He chose to keep his awareness. So what if he was all alone? He still had it better than a lot of other people. So what if he didn't have a dream? He was still young and had all the time in the world to figure it out. He tried to comfort himself by thinking "I was alone before coming into this world. I'll be alone when I leave this world. I'm used to being alone. It's all fine. I'll be fine. As long as I keep going."


She drew herself around the edge of a storyboard scene.

She was sucked into the story, she found herself standing on the ledge of the rooftop "Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her hands outstretched on either side of her, trying to balance herself and not fall face first and crush to the ground. The ground looked too far away, she'd definitely smash her skull open in half if she landed on it at the dangerous speed she'd gain during the fall.

She felt her shirt being yanked backwards and she fell on the concrete floor of the rooftop. The skin of her palm stung from the scratches she got but that was better than dying.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing?" yelled Baek Kyung angrily at her. She realised he's the one who just saved her life.

She tried to catch her breath "I'm more surprised than you are" she told him in between breaths "Next time I should draw myself inside the storyboard in a safer place closer to the ground."

"What are you talking about?" he scowled.

She fumbled for words as she got up on her feet and cleaned her hands on her skirt "Ahh. I like drawing. I'm drawing a comic book right now. I just wanted to know how the world looks like when standing at the edge of a rooftop so I could draw it..."

He looked her up and down like she was missing something in her head "Whatever." He went back to lie down on the table.

She felt too looked down upon so she couldn't leave him alone "I'm not dumb! It's a perfectly logical thing for an artist to want to experience something in person before drawing it. I'm telling you!"

He turned his face the other way "Yeah. Yeah. Sure" like he didn't believe a word she said.

She was frustrated "I'm extremely good at what I do. You haven't even seen my work. You can't judge me!"

He just wanted her to shut up so he could close his eyes and think in peace "If you're that confident in your skills why don't you go ahead and just draw me and then I'll know?"

"Challenge accepted" she went to get a sketchbook and a pencil and got to work without wasting any time.

It took her 15 minutes to be done. As soon as she was done, she poked Baek Kyung awake "Hey, lazy head. Wake up and apologise!"

He was annoyed with her and got ready to give her a piece of his mind but then he saw the portrait of himself she was holding and all of the insults he prepared left his mind "Do I look like this to you?"

"Huh?" she responded looking at her work "Ah, well, yeah. Why? You think you're even better looking than this or something?"

He looked away. He felt his face heating up. He didn't say a word as he started walking away from the roof. Her drawing was beautiful, too beautiful.

She wasn't gonna let him off so easy. She grabbed his shirt "Hey! You haven't apologised for judging me without even knowing me."

He turned around "My bad" he said before going. She didn't miss the red tinge on his ears. She was definitely amused by him.

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