Chapter 8

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its been 3 months since louis and jeremy started talking and louis just wasn't sure if he wanted to persue anything with jeremy but he was always cautious of being with him and the times they did go out they had so much fun, louis is at his moms house dropping off ava for her time with harry

"mom" louis yells out

"backyard" jay answers as louis goes to the back yard

"nana" ava yells out as she runs to jay and jay just picks her up and hugs and kisses her

"hey, I left her bag by the door did harry says when he was going to drop her off" louis says

"umm he said Saturday but he is going to bring her Friday he has an interview and anne has an appointment and gemma has to work she was willing to call in sick but I volunteered" jay says as they start to laugh

"well I better get going Jeremy and I are going on a date" louis says

"so has he asked you to be his boyfriend"

"no not yet but I don't know if I want to be his boyfriend, I am scared if I agree he will be jealous and controlling and I don't think I want to deal with that shit" louis says

"why do you say that" jay asks curiously

"well the other day you were texting me about harry having ava and he asked me what we were talking about and I told him that you were asking about ava going with her dad and he gave me like this weird look like if he was jealous, mom, I already have to deal with a jealous ex I don't want to deal with him too" louis says

"look only you can decide what you want to do, and also keep in mind that he might not want more kids" jay says

" I know I should have been honest since the begining and not continued to talk to him but it felt nice but I don't think I can be with someone who doesn't want more kids" louis says "I should call harry for a booty call or just to have another baby, I always wanted all my kids to have the same dad"

"well you better not" jay says

"I wont but this is something that I need to think really hard about" louis says as they hear a knock on the door and jay goes and answers the door

"harry hold on let me get curlz" jay says as she walks to the backyard" don't go inside the house harry is here for curlz"

"ok" louis says as jay picks up ava and they walk back into the house and louis can hear avas scream for harry and that alone makes louis happy and soon jay walks back to the backyard and sits down next to louis

"harry said he will bring her back on Sunday and then will call he is going to Australia Sunday night" jay says

"ok" louis says" well now I really need to get going"

"ok, well think about what we talked about" jay says

"I will I promise" louis says as he hugs his mom and walks out of her house and heads to his house and goes in and starts to get ready and soon he hears the doorbell ring and he answers it "come in, just need to get a jacket and we can leave"

"sure" Jeremy says as he hugs louis

"alright lets go" louis says as he grabs his keys and wallet as they walk out of louis house and head to the nearby restaurant "I love this place"

"me too, the desserts are my favorite" Jeremy says as they go inside and are seated "so how was your day"

"good, dropped off ava and talked to my mom for a bit and then came home and got ready, nothing to excited and you"

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