Chapter 22

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the following months for harry and louis were really busy as harry continued to record for his new album and louis stayed home with the kids but they were grateful that someone always volunteered to pick up the kids and keep them for a few hours the twins both look just like harry brown curls green eyes and dimples and baby JJ as louis started calling her looks more like louis than harry and louis just cant help but love it louis had his surgery to not have anymore kids

"doll" harry yells out

"nursery with JJ" louis says as harry walks in and gives louis a kiss "what going on"

"umm one of the interns sent me a dick pick i sent it to mark and liam and was fired he threatened to sue me but i want you to know before it got out there"

"was it bigger than mine" louis says as harry takes out his phone and shows louis "how disappointing i mean if you are going to send a dick pick make it worth it" louis says laughing

"stop i want you to know just in case he went to the media or something" harry says

"well thank you for letting me and what ever happens i have your back" louis says

"thank you and also" harry says nervously


"well since i am not going on tour and only doing  appearances mark and simon asked me if i wanted to do like just one show and we can televise it and do like a special to air" harry says

"and you want me to sing with you" louis says

"of course" harry says with a smile

"fine, do you know what date" Louis says

"yeah a month after my album drops" harry says

"so july 23" louis says

"Yes and thank you" harry says as he kisses harry

"you know we cant have sex for another week" louis says

"i know but i am glad we decided to not have anymore kids" harry says

"i know but look at my blue eye girl" louis says laughing

"stop it and of course the last one had to look just like you" harry syas

"hey at least its one the other 4 are your twins" louis says

"i know and i love it" harry says

"we have to get going to her appointment" louis says as he picks up the baby and harry gets the diaper bag as they walk out of the house and get to the doctors office

"Johanna Styles" the nurse says as louis and harry stand up  and follow the nurse" can you undress her please" and louis starts to undress the baby as harry's phone starts to ring and he gets up and walks out of the room "well her weight and length are the right numbers for her age"

"good" louis says

"the doctor will be right in" the nurse says as she walks out the room and harry walks in a few minutes later

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