Bonus - HOW WE MET

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its been 5 years since louis and harry got married and have been as happy as can be sure they fight and argue but they are happy none the less and harry is doing an at home interview with a news station as he is promoting his new album and soon tour

"so harry tell me how has married life been, its been 5 years since you and louis got married" the lady says

"yes 5 years, its been good but like any couple we fight and argue we are not perfect its harder because we are both stubborn and hard headed and wont back down but we have learned when to shut up" harry says laughing

"ohh my can you tell us about a fight when you both were not backing down"

"ohh about 2 weeks ago i came home and louis was just glaring at me and i was like what is wrong" harry says as louis glares at him

"did he tell you"

"yeah i didnt put the laundry away and we started fighting we were toe to toe heated in an argument "harry say "just going off neither wanted to back down then louis just kissed me was like love you and we started laughing, now i put the laundry away before i do anything else"

"wait louis is here can we get him a microphone and a chair" the lady says as the stage people get a chair and microphone to louis and louis sits down "what made you do that"

"well we were arguing just saying things and i wasnt backing down and i saw something in his eye that was like 2 seconds away from hitting me, mind you he has never raised his hand at me but this time there was something in his eye and i was thinking what can i do to stop this and well that was that" louis says laughing

"good thinking" the reporter says

"yeah never want to do that again" louis says "but now we walk away and come back when we calm down"

"wow, so i heard you both were arguing one day and harry picked you up got all the kids in the car" the reporter says

"ohh yeah it was about a year after we got married we were fighting over something stupid i dont ever remember what it was but i told harry to get all his shit" louis says as he covers his mouth" sorry i mean things and leave he picked me up over his shoulders and goes to the kids and said we are leaving and he put me in the car and the kids were like where are we going" louis says laughinig " and harry was like your dad said to get everything that belongs to me and leave so louis where are we going" louis says as he starts to laugh

"ohh my i swear you both are amazing i love this about you" the reporter says

"thank you we are not perfect and i always told louis i dont want a perfect relationship i just want us to work and fight for us" harry says

"so how is harry as a husband and father" the reporter asks

"he is amazing, as a husband is treats me so good but what i love most about him is how he is with the kids i mean i couldnt not have asked for a better father to our kids even when he is the one that riles them up and i want to run away" louis says

"and i think its more than what he wants to admit to" harry says " look when i record and tour my time is limited with the kids and i want them to know that they are my first priority and want to spend as much time as i can with them since they are growing and soon they wont want to spend time with me but its fun and now even ava being almost 13 she sometimes comes to me and says poppa lets get crazy and have dad move out" harry says laughing

"that is funny" the reporter says laughing

"ohh yeah" harry says

"wow ava is 13 and how is she so darcy is 11, river and axel are 7 and JJ is 6" the reporter says (if the ages are wrong sorry i didnt want to go back and figure it out but for this time being let's pretend i am right LOL)

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