일. Announcement

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Today is Eunmi's birthday

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Today is Eunmi's birthday. The only day where she can be free from all her duties and all of her family member would gather at the house. Every year is always the same, the Kim family has always held a birthday party by inviting close business friends and close relatives. Besides that, on her birthday Eunmi also got the opportunity to hold a charity event that she was pleased to do so. She enjoys helping others in need.

Eunmi woke up when it was still dark as the time shows at six o'clock in the fall morning. As soon as she opened her eyes and did a bit stretch to loosen her stiff body, she immediately grabbed her cell phone that she put on her bedside table. She grinned to see three notification messages on her cell phone screen. Not many people know her personal number, only the family members, a personal assistant and a close friend who she gave the number.

She immediately unlocks the password and then reading the text one by one. The first texts she opened were from her one and only best friend, Hong Minjoo. 

Happy Birthday my dear and beloved best friend ever Miss KIM EUNMI!!!
Yaaah~ you're legal now to get married, so quickly find the prince charming and ask him to marry you soon! *take off that virgin title! Kekeke~ :D*
You MUST have a date tonight for your birthday party and I don't accept any excuses.
P.S. : You will be surprise to know who's my date tonight.
Hint: HE'S HOT!

Sender : Hong Minjyoo
November 17, 00:09

She laughed after read her text and immediately replied.

Aww.. Thanks Minjoo-ya~ Is this a blessing or blackmail -.-
You don't have the right to tell me to take off my precious virgin title 'cause you ARE ALSO THE ONE.
Should I anticipate your date? The hint wasn't helping. You called either handsome or tall guys hot, so I'm not sure :p
I'm going to hunt a date, just you wait.

Recipient : Hong Minjyoo
November 17, 06:01

Then she moved to the next text. This time is from a man. The only man whom she had known since child who is able to make her developing feelings to. Unfortunately, this man is a part of the family too.

"OH! It's from Jongin Oppa!" she squeals excited.

Happy birthday little sister! Welcome to twenty! Aigoo~ you become a real woman now...
Can't wait to open my present like the old days, huh?
But I won't give you Barbie dolls anymore, so don't be upset okay? ^^
Your knight in shining armor better come out from his hiding place now, so he can marry you soon and take you out from that suffocating mansion. But, after I give him my permission though ;D
Just wait for your fancy gift to arrive.
Your Extremely Sexy Brother —KAI

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