Chapter 7 [And I Need It to Stop]

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"We should tell him then." Janus says running his hands through Remys newly short hair, as he cut it even shorter after his break down.

"Yeah I think so too." Remy says giving a peck on Janus' lips.

Thats when Remus walks downstairs and walks over to his parents.

"Um I wanted to ask you something,," Remus says nervously, fidgeting with his sleeve, something he picked up from Virgil accidentally.

"Of course honey." Remy says gently pulling Remus closer and brushing his hair back away from his face with his fingers.

"Im just gonna come straight out and say it,,, do I have a brother?" Remus asks, watching as his fathers glance at eachother for a moment.

"Yes... you do." Janus says after a small quiet period.

"Whats his name? Is he my twin or just a normal brother? Why did my birth parents get rid of me? Why did you adopt me?" Remus quickly rambles off questions.

"Wow okay- uh his name is Roman, he is your twin, they werent expecting twins and Roman was showing signs of seperation anxiety, and because we couldnt have children,,, but I'm so glad that we couldnt because we couldnt ask for a better child." Remy answers emphasizing with a kiss on Remus' forehead, to which Remus wipes off with a giggle.

"now we have a question for you." Janus says looking to Remy to see if he wants to ask and after he is given a head shake he continues, "Do you want to meet your brother?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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