Target: Acquired

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The world was very civilised and filled to the brim with technology, which was improving almost every year. The world was like everyone described it to be: robots, flying vehicles, large building-like skyscrapers that lit up in the night, beautiful views and landscapes, all of which were affordable. Government was no more, but there was still power none-the-less. It was no longer rich against poor in the world, in fact, everyone around was stable and crimes have depleted as years went by.

There was a single man that controlled all of that power, and he had the right to do as he pleased with the world. He was a proper man who wanted nothing but perfection. If he saw anything less than that, then he would get rid of it or 'fix' this imperfection. His name was Zane Macrov, a 26 year old man who may seem gentle and charming, but is a mischievous and sadistic man who gets his way when someone makes a mistake. He tortures people for many reasons, even some that are less important. He once tortured someone for making the colours of his markers disorganised and in the wrong order, by ripping off their nails one by one until they would tell him in order how the colour spectrum is organised. He was a sinister male, but if you were to be lucky, you might just be able to befriend him.

In this world, there was one who were among the higher-rankings, who of which was part of a group herself. This young lady was Holly Wylde, a 17 year old assassin. And a demon, at that. She first gained this job through meeting someone when she was younger and living on the streets: Ryder. He offered her protection, food, and an income, on one condition; if she would come work for him. She accepted out of desperation, and has been working with him since. She was exceptionally good at her job, mostly working with bladed weapons rather than firearms, and almost never made a scene. Today was like every other day working for him. She had been assigned a specific target: Zane Macrov. She sighed as she started heading towards where she believed him to be, playing with a blade in one hand as she went from building to building.

Zane worked in a very large building, the largest building in the city in fact. He was in his office as he was staring at a dust particle on his desk. He had called for the one responsible. A young man poked his head around the door.
"Uh, yes sir?" He said shakily.
"Why.. is there dust.. on my desk..?" He looked at the man with a cold stare, his eyes narrowed.
"Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry sir. I was sure I cleaned your desk thoroughly-" the man stammered, as he began to sweat under his gaze.
"Do you know what happens to people that piss me off...? They get in trouble..." He called for guards as they came up immediately. The man begged for forgiveness while being dragged away by the guards. He screamed and begged as the door slammed shut. Zane glared at the spec of dust, before removing it himself.
"Pathetic...couldn't even clean right...." he spat to himself.

Holly perched herself at a building level to the floor he was on. She sat down on her knees, took out her knives, and started to think of some sort of plan to execute her mission. After about a minute, she concluded that simple infiltration would be the better option than trying to aim a blade through the window. It would've made too much of a scene, and if it didn't hit it would have given away her position. Arranging her thought, she organised her blades in her pockets, throwing knives being easily accessible, before jumping to the ground and running towards the back entrance of the building. The back entrance was heavily guarded, as the entire building was surrounded by guards and a large gate. She pressed herself against a blind corner of the gate, peering round at the guards. She smirked softly to herself. "Heh, this is going to be a piece of cake," she removed two sets of throwing knives, and aimed them towards the guards' heads, aiming for an instant kill.

Some of the guards did go down due to not wearing head armour. Others were alerted when the guards went down, as they started pointing their guns at wherever the throwing knives came from. She shot back behind her hiding spot.
"Shit..think, think," she muttered, before pulling out a smoke bomb containing sleep powder.
"This might do the trick," she threw the bomb over her head and towards where the men were, before taking out a small gas mask from her back pocket and putting it on. The sleep powder made the guards drop like dead men, but there were still guards in other areas of the building hearing the commotion. Zane was in his office when he had received a warning from one of his guards saying someone is trying to infiltrate the building.
"What a pain..." He got up and went to his closet and put on his white gloves, before he left his office and headed downstairs. He went to the back as his guard gave him a gas mask to put on. He did so as it covered his mouth and nose so he wouldn't inhale it. He stepped outside and saw most of the guards out of commission and others dead.
"Useless...." He said without hesitation nor care if anyone else heard. He glanced around.

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