Field trip?? I think idk tho

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This is my first real book so take it easy one me :)
But I just wanted to say that I'm British so if there are things different in this book to what your used to that might be why,
Or it might just be that I'm weird but anywho imma move on to the story sorry for going off on one

Peter was majorly pissed off, just when he thought his day could not get any worse...

He had previously dealt with a robbery before school but the one this morning woke him at a ridiculous hour in the morning. Like honestly do these criminals have no respect for his sleep schedule!! He had been late to school so missed his lunch for a detention as well. By this point he already wanted to die. Not to mention he hadn't had his morning cup of coffee so he was - as they say (not a clue who 'they' are but whatever)- running on empty.

He had finally go to the last period of the day. He was looking forward to it as he got to go home soon, so naturally he was watching the clock the whole time. He must have zoned out at some..

"Peter are you paying attention!"

Woken from his previous daydream, he could only nod in response.

"As I was just saying Peter, We are going on an end of term field trip..." Mr Harrington continued.

"Where!?" Flash shouted, being obnoxious as always.

"Well I was just getting to that, we have been given an exclusive, all expenses paid, three-day trip to the one and only.."

"Oh shut it sir, get on with it"

"..stark tower, okay yeah flash you killed my vibe so thanks"

Peter was distraught. Groaning in disbelief and annoyance he attracted the attention of his school tormenter 'Flash'.

"What's wrong dipshit? You upset we're gonna find out the truth about you internship and your so called friendship with Tony Stark and Spider-Man"

Groaning again Peter just ingnored Flashes comments like normal.

"It's better to have someone think your stupid than to open your mouth and prove it Eugene" M-J maliciously snapped back.
Peter was dreading going back home, he was sure Aunt May could tell something was wrong as soon as he steed through the door. She started asking him all theses questions about how his day went.

"Did someone upset you today?" She continued, "I'll come up the school and trip the culprit up and make it look like an accident!"

"No, my class are going on a fried trip to SI"


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