Nearly the last parrrrrrt

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Hi there I'm back, I've got to a point in the book where I need to finish it soon or I'll go crazy. And after seeing a comment on the last chapter telling me to update I thought why not now so it'll be this and then maybe one or two more chapters then I'm done.

If you don't read this please make sure to read the A/N at the end x

After Steve's little outburst, peter and Natasha had squared up. Ready and raring to go at each other.

"Fight" Steve just let them be after that he knew there was not stopping them.

Natasha kicked out at peter, but peters peter tingle helped him to get out the way I time to grab her foot and pull it towards him, forcing Natasha to loose her balance.

Peter swung at Natasha who grabbed his fist and used it to swing herself around and wrap her legs around his side and push him to the ground.
Peter quickly pulled out one of her legs and swapped them over pushing her onto her front and pinning her arms behind her back. Tightly but not tight enough to be painful.

"Fine, fine I tap out I tap out"
Peter just grinned smugly at this completely forgetting his class staring at him stunned after having pinned down THE black widow in under five minutes. Every one except Ned and MJ looked genuinely scared of peter now.

"Alright kiddos lets get you to your next activity, I believe you all have to build robots with Scott Lang and Bruce Banner" Steve was quick to regain the kids attention.

He and the tour guide started to lead the class from the gym and to the R&D labs.

*_-_* • time skip brought to you by the way Natasha romanoff walks away from the bar in ultron • *_-_*

After clearly winning the robot contest, peter, Ned and MJs robot literally had an ai in it. The class were surprised to see Thor and Loki (oh god I love loki) Walk throughly the door.

"Okay then small mitguardians lets go, you've got a QnA with the avengers" loki spoke rather uninterestedly.

"YES LETS GO CHILDREN" Thor shouted, loudly as always.

The class followed Thor to a conference room, while loki and peter hung back.

Peter looked like he was about to stab a hoe. (Sorry for the language if it offends Or something).

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't organise it. Stark said he had something to announce?" Loki was quick to prove his innocence in this one, he liked the spider child greatly.

"Oh okay then it can't be that bad..."

Okay so I'm not the best at writing and I thought I'd have finished this by now but apparently life got in the way. The ending could be really terrible but I need to finish it coz my mental heath at the moment is of the rails. I don't want to make any excuses so I'm sorry if its terrible.
I just aim to take your mind of the things that may upset you atm with this so if I successfully did that then I'm happy.

As usual feel free to comment I like reading them and replying. Xx

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