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"Grayson, I'm going to call security and have you kicked out of the building-"

"Kicked out of my building? A place of which I partially own? You amuse me, Cassidy," Grayson mocked, pushing past the hellish woman to walk further onto the floor. His eyes landed on Y/N, who glanced momentarily at him before fixating her gaze back to her desk work, to avoid suspicion. His lips turned up into a smirk, and he glanced at Cassidy who was glaring fiercely at him, "I need an employee of yours to help me unpack my moving boxes from the car. I'm in much of a hurry and a pair of hands will diminish my time-"

"Are you fucking serious?" Cassidy scoffed, shaking her head. "Why can't you use your own employees?"

"I've given them the day off, prior to today," he answered, looking absolutely smug. "And as far as I'm concerned, these are my employees as well - to an extent. I won't leave until one comes with me."

"Fucking hell, fine!" she snapped, glancing at her workers who were gawking at them in curiosity. "Donny, go help Mr. Dolan, but I can assure you that you will stay late to make up the work-"

"Oh no, he won't do," Grayson shook his head, walking closer to Y/N's desk. She has yet to look up, but she could still feel his lingering presence. "Donny is far too busy, far too consumed in his work. Y/N, on the other hand, looks nearly completely done with hers. She will do. Come along, Miss Y/L/N."

Y/N's eyes snapped up to meet Grayson's, which were burning into her so intensely that she hadn't even realized her body was already shuffling out of her chair to collect her belongings. Cassidy immediately began whining, "You can't take Y/N! She's my personal assistant, Grayson."

"Well today, she's mine."

Y/N tried her hardest not to smile. She ducked under the stares of her co-workers, only saying goodbye to Donny who looked absolutely over the moon, and followed Grayson to the elevator, which they took down in complete silence. Neither of them spoke until he grabbed her hand and began tugging her to his Porsche, which looked suspiciously empty and deprived of moving boxes. "Grayson? What the hell?"

"It was highly important for me to take you out of work now, to avoid the fury and abuse Cassidy will no doubt have given you later on if you stayed," Grayson explained, opening the passenger door for her. "My lawyers are coming in on an unexpected visit today, to inform her that if she doesn't get her act together with the company, I won't hesitate to relieve her out of her position and hire someone to replace her."

Y/N's eyes widened as she buckled in her seatbelt, Grayson reversing the car to pull out of the parking lot. "The company's declining?"

"Precisely. The numbers are dropping, especially with her new line of wool skirts targeting the youth, but is doing poorly in sales," he huffed. "When the divorce situation began, she begged me not to take the company away from her, it was her only thing worth living, and well, I'm not as cruel enough as she is to take it away. But as of lately she's seriously testing my fucking limits."

"You've mentioned owning the company before, but I thought she did," Y/N stated, glancing up at the building above her. She thinks she could see an outline of a person staring out at them, but she brushed it off and glances back at Grayson. "At least, that's what she tells everyone."

He laughed. "Cassidy's a known liar. I bought the company for her, and I continuously support it through funds that she doesn't feel inclined to pay me back for. But as her husband I allowed for her to make everyone think it was hers... now, as he ex, I'm not necessarily afraid to make it known otherwise. To anybody's concern, under her employment, I'm their boss's boss."

The information was quite a lot for Y/N to take in; yes, Cassidy had always been a mean and bitter woman to her, but she had reserved some respect thinking that the woman started her company from scratch, from the bottom up. Obviously that respect is gone now, given towards Grayson, who had so much of a heart that he wouldn't let his abusive wife be rid of a job and left penniless on the streets. Or perhaps not penniless, seeing as she was born from wealth.

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