I Like the Cold

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Thanks WeissSchwann for another suggestion! Sorry it's so late but I hit a wall with this for a while. Anyway, I have no other requests yet but I'd love more suggestions~

Aokiji x Reader

It all started when you found patches of ice covering trees near your home. You lived in a forested part of the island, not far from the coast but off a ways from the nearest village. So of course no one else noticed there was suddenly ice appearing on the spring island. It bothered you though, so you spent some time digging in to the mystery, following the trail of ice that dotted the trees and undergrowth.

It was difficult to find the source, but after a few exhausting days of non-stop searching, you came across a man. When you found him he was lounging on the beach facing the waves, not far from the edge of the trees. You stayed out of sight as it was better to be wary of strangers to the island. There was always a chance he could be a pirate after all. It was hard to make out details from where you stood but he looked tall, with dark skin and hair.

It was impossible to distinguish any other details about him with you hiding behind a tree. You didn't dare get a closer look. That would mean risking be caught and called a creeper. Nope, not today.

The guy didn't seem dangerous at least so that was something. You realized while you did find a somewhat interesting stranger, you hadn't yet found the source of the ice. The trail led here, but you must have missed something along the way. As quietly as possible, you crept back into the woods to backtrack and find where the ice had come from.

Of course that was easier said than done. You spent a solid week going back and fourth on your search to no avail. Every time you came to the end of a trail, it led to the same strange man on the beach. You refused to believe he was causing it, he'd have to be a devil fruit user to cause the ice to show up. What'd be the chances of that?

You were spending too much time creeping on the guy either way. Not like he ever did anything interesting, most of the time he was napping on the beach. But that in and of itself was interesting in a way. Why would someone go to an island like yours just to sleep their days away?

Not like you were any better now. You'd gotten comfortable up in a tree and were watching the ocean waves hit the beach. There were no leads for the mysterious ice and a break sounded nice. You let one of your legs swing back and forth lazily while using the other to keep you propped up on the branch you sat on. A cool breeze blew the salty scent of the water in your direction. Maybe that guy had the right idea. It was a great place to relax.

Speaking of the man......he wasn't in his usual spot anymore. He was just there a second ago. You sat up straight and searched the shoreline for him and sure enough, he was gone.

"Arara, I thought someone was watching me." The man stood under your tree, staring up at you with a bored expression.

A surprised squeak escaped you as you jumped hard enough to lose your balance and fall. You shut your eyes and waited for impact. But it didn't come. Instead, the man caught you. Sure he saved your bacon but nothing could save you from the embarrassment of being caught creeping and then nearly falling on your ass.

"I, uh, I was...taking a nap?" Nailed it. "Can you put me down now?"

He did just that with a smile and airy chuckle.

Back on your feet, you straightened yourself out and craned your head back to get a better look at him since you had the chance.  He wore a plain white shirt with black pants and a long green coat over it all. You could see burn scars poking out from beneath his shirt on his chest and right arm.

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