Blood Means Little Here

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Thanks for the interesting request Space_Walrus23! I hope this is along the lines of what you were looking for~

Katakuri X Vinsmoke Reader

Keep your mouth shut. Just keep. Your. Mouth. Shut.

You reminded yourself to stay quiet while your jaw and fists clenched in anger.

"What, not going to deny it (Y/n)?" Your brother, Ichiji snickered. "Then you know it's true. You're almost as worthless as Sanji. In fact, it would've been you we would've given up to the Charlottes if it wasn't for his existance."

Your sister, Reiju stared at you blankly while the remainder of your brothers and father didn't even acknowledge your presence. The look your sister gave you would've come across as hurtful if it wasn't for the fact that you knew she wasn't keen on how the the rest of the family treated you and Sanji. The only reason she didn't seem more sympathetic was to avoid father's wrath. You understood that. She was stronger than you and couldn't afford to fall out of his grace.

That being said, her blank stare was her way of telling you to stay calm and let it blow over. Your brother would get tired of antagonizing you. Eventually.

He continued to go on, listing everything he decided made you worthless to the family as you allowed yourself to get lost in thought and take in your surroundings.

Your brother Sanji had disappeared when you were all just kids. And now, years later, he was set to be married to one of the younger girls in the Charlotte family. The marriage would create an alliance that would benefit everyone involved and your father wasn't about to pass that up. He wasn't willing to sacrifice one of his best children though. No, the options were you and Sanji and the only reason you weren't picked was because you came out somewhat stronger than him.

As you checked around the room you were all seated in, noting the pastel color palette, the perfectly white furniture, and the distinct absence of other people, you allowed yourself to think about your unhappy childhood. Ichiji wouldn't notice you zoning out. Not for a while at least.

All of you were made to be strong, stronger than any normal person. The only problem was, Sanji never developed his strengths like the rest of you did. Though you say that loosely. He was considered a failure but so were you, just not to the same degree. You struggled to keep up with your siblings. While they improved in leaps and bounds, you worked overtime to stay half as tough as them. That did nothing but make you a disappointment. And while the teasing was bad as a small child, it only got worse when Sanji disappeared. With him no longer there to take the brunt of the family's aggression, you took on even worse torment.

To this day it hadn't stopped. Reiju was your only saving grace. When it was only the two of you, she was kind. If you needed to cry, she always had a shoulder to lean on and she always encouraged you, promising things would change someday. You weren't so sure about that but you let her say it anyway. It gave you some form of hope.

"Hey! (Y/n) are you even listening to me?" Ichiji slammed a fist on the table in annoyance.

"Relax." Niji rolled his eyes. "She's too useless to even pay attention."

All three of the brothers laughed at that.

"What a waste of space." Yonji added.

Reiju's stare became more intense as she saw the anger flash back to life in your eyes. But you'd been polite long enough, you weren't up for dealing with it anymore. With that in mind, you suddenly stood up, almost knocking your chair down in the process.

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