Trouble Has it's Reasons

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Another request from RoseDracul~

Garp X Reader

Shots rang out, almost as loud as the chorus of terrified screams. Some were cut short, ending in bloody, gurgled gasps, like people were choking on their own blood. Others stopped completely and so suddenly you wondered if you misheard them. And through it all, you could hear the cruel laughter of the one responsible for all the destruction.

Blackbeard himself.

You were hidden away in an already ransacked building, ducked behind a counter as you tried to control your breathing and avoid detection. The other villagers weren't so lucky. The pirates devil fruit swallowed people whole while the rest of his crew brutally murdered the rest. All the while, they laughed and giggled cheerfully like there wasn't anything more fun. Buildings were set alight and you feared the one you were hiding in would be next, flushing you out so you could be just another casualty.

There was a crash as the front door was thrown open and someone stumbled in, crying and muttering to themself about finding a place to hide. Your stomach churned as all you could think was they needed to find somewhere else. They were going to draw attention to you. To your horror, they skittered around the corner on their hands and knees to your spot behind the counter and locked eyes with you.

A middle aged man, one you knew personally. He went by Kav and was the local blacksmith. Usually he held a harsh expression, especially around you as you often made plenty of trouble for him. But now he was different. His grey eyes were frantic with fear, blood dripped down his face from a cut on his temple, and black hair clung to his face in clumps. He stared at you for a moment, confused. And then he gave out a yelp as he was jerked back by a leg. There was a sharp intake of breath, like he was about to shout for help, and then it was cut off with a sickening splat.

Flecks of blood flicked across the dark wood floors, a startling red contrast. Your heart picked up speed as you realized both of you never heard one of the pirates enter. You were too engrossed in the fact that you'd come across someone else to notice. Now the heavy footsteps practically echoed through the room and your head as the pirate moved around, pausing occasionally to listen for any noise. You bit down on your hand, willing yourself to keep quiet to the point of drawing blood.

You hand throbbed painfully in protest but you only bit down harder, tasting the harsh metallic warmth as it entered your mouth.

Don't breathe.

Don't cry.

Don't scream.

The pirate walked out of the building with a disappointed sigh. They were hoping to find someone else. As soon as you were sure they were gone, you slowly released your hand and inspected the wound. You bit down hard. Blood dripped to the floor below steadily and you could make out the individual marks left by each tooth. It'd scar if you got out of this alive.

The sounds outside began to die down as the number of victims dwindled. If you wanted to leave town, find a safer place to lie low, now was the time. You braved a look around the counter to make sure to room was empty off all life except you. A few feet away was the body of Kav. His head was smashed in, fragments of skull and bits of meat sprayed out around him. His eyes stared back at you, dull and somehow still full of fear. One had popped out of it's socket from the force of impact.

You couldn't take it. The second you were able to make sense of the corpse, your body rejected it and you were bent over yourself, heaving and dumping the contents of your stomach on the floor. It didn't help adding that to the mix. Your body shook and your eyes pricked with tears from the rancid smell as you stumbled to your feet and searched for a back door. You had to leave. Now.

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