Throw the First Punch and Make It a Good One

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 Years After the Meeting

   I packed everything I needed from my house except Aoi. Hidan had taken a liking to her and even kidnapped her claiming he had a rabbit as a baby. Now she's just fat because all he does is feed her. I'm moving right now and moving in with the rest of the member of the Akastki residence.  

  I drive up slowly in the driveway getting out the car meeting the rest of the members.

  "You're room will be on the first floor," Nagato tells me patting me on the back.

  I nod as I pass Hidan holding Aoi and Deidara and Sassori standing right next to him.

  The mansion was rather small with only seven rooms. Leader decided since we go on enough missions with our team member, we'll have a different member as a roommate. Who's my roommate, I don't know, we were supposed to pick from a straw but I guess they already drew.

  Downstairs there's a large kitchen, living room, one large bedroom, and large bathroom. There is a large one room basement which Hidan will share with Kisame, which I'm kind of mad at Kisame for not drawing me. Then on the second floor are the rest of the seven rooms. I don't count the basement as a bedroom. Sassori shares a bedroom with Kakuzu, Tobi with Zestu, Konan and Pein (they didn't draw), Nagato has the master bedroom and Deidara and I share a room.

  Deidara had already had his stuff spread out leaving me with less than a quarter of the room.

  "You can use the bathroom in the hallway," he says setting his brush on the counter.

  I sigh. Our bedroom has a bathroom, he just doesn't want to share it with me.  I look at the tub from the room, our restroom doesn't even have a door separating from our room, I guess when he takes a shower, I'll take mine.

  "Dinner would be ready in five," Konan says poking her head in.

  Since we've became more well known, danger had been at every corner. Living together will somehow decrease the odds or suspicions. I sit on my bed taking off my black thunder boots. When I'm finished, I sat them by the wall and put a cough drop in my mouth.

  I didn't really eat much at dinner. So far, Kisame and Hidan been arguing for a long time.

  "Deidara switch rooms with me."

  "No, I already got most of the room and I don't want to forfeit it un."

  "You just want to stay with fing Itachi."

  "No I don't un!"

  "I was fing talking to you Deidara!"

  "Guys shut up, go argue to each other in your rooms, that's what your rooms are for."

  "I'm just happy I don't have to share a room with you know who."

  "So you're the one who requested we get different rooms from our partners," Sassori asks.


  Kakuzu stopped counting his money glaring at Hidan.

  While I watched the commotion all of a sudden I felt a pang in my throat. A coughing spell came upon me.

  "Eww, are you fing sick Itachi?"

  "Itachi, you need to stay in your room, I don't want to get sick," Konan says.

  I ignore the two going to my room.

  "Don't forget to use the bathroom in the hallway un!"

  I sigh walking out and going to the bathroom hallway. The coughing fit became worse and before I knew it I was throwing up blood in the sink. When my mouth was full of it, it started to spill from my nose.

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