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Johnny Cage is sitting in silence in the Special Forces headquarters waiting for a mission he isn't looking forward to. Johnny's phone buzzing from a call which he is hesitant to answer, It's Sonya Blade calling him to give him his mission. He answers the call "You've reached Johnny Cage how may I help you" Johnny sounds polite and proper, which is uncharacteristic. "Johnny, I wouldn't  usually give you this mission but I'm busy with Cass and I'll need you to discuss the training exercise with Sub-Zero" Sonya tells him in a stern manner. Johnny sighs, that must be why he was trying to sound polite, to make Sonya feel bad about giving this to him. "fine, but you owe me Sonya" he tells her, he prepares to press the end call button when Sonya continues talking "Johnny, it's Sub-Zero, you two are fine aren't you? Why are you worried?" Johnny sits down in the Special Forces Jeep "Sonya he's at his vacay home, do you know how angry he'll be if  I interrupt his he time??" Silence is all that is coming from Sonya until she begins to speak "Seriously? That's it? Is tha- wait, Johnny he's a grandmaster of the Lin Kuei why is he at a vacation spot?" Johnny has nothing to say, he starts the Jeep and says his final messages to Sonya "yeah I have no clue, love you Sonya, and say hi to Cass for me" he hangs up and heads to the Special Forces bunker where he takes one of his private jets to [REDACTED], just miles from Sub-Zero's cottage.

Johnny arrives in a rental Jeep, he zips up his jacket and arrives at the doorstep, he knocks at the door when the door opens, he sees a red haired woman standing in the doorway, in which Johnny exclaims-


Johnny pays Sub-Zero a vistWhere stories live. Discover now