An explanation

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Johnny sits down in a a chair, across from him is Sub-Zero sitting next to Skarlet getting close. Johnny puts his Cage Brand sunglasses on the coffee table in between Cage and the couple. Kuai Liang kisses Skarlet and goes to prepare tea for them all, leaving Skarlet and Johnny alone. "So uh, how'd you two meet" he asks nervously trying to get on Skarlet's good side. "None of your business Cage." Skarlet says letting Johnny know he isn't going to find out. Johnny being Johnny asks the worst question possible at the moment "So, is it true Chilly Willie is cold in the sack?...". Sub-Zero comes back with tea "One moment" he heads off again to get cream, sugar cubes and other things you drink tea with. Skarlet glares at Johnny clearly not impressed, she drinks from her tea not breaking eye contact with Johnny, she finishes her sip "No, no it's not true". Johnny thinks to himself "Is she being serious or does she have a sense of humour after all?" While Kuai Liang comes back and sits back down drinking his tea.
"So Johnny, those training exercises we were going to discuss?" Johnny finishes his tea and begins to speak. "Actually I'm sure we can discuss this when your back at your usual place of business, and I've been getting messages from the base all day so I'm needed else where, but before I go may I ask a question" Sub-Zero nods "yes you may Johnny". "Alright, may you tell me how you two met?" With a no from Skarlet and a yes from Kuai Liang. "May you excuse us for a moment" Sub-Zero asks Johnny as Skarlet and him leave for the next room leaving Johnny.
After a couple minutes they come back, "I'm sorry Johnny, but Skarlet reminded me of something that makes it so we can't tell you" Sub-Zero tells Johnny. Johnny looks confused and starts to speak "why? If is something that is against Special Forces Skarlet hasn't done anything bad in fact she hasn't even been seen since that mission to arrest her 7 months ag- wait..." Skarlet reaches for her dagger when Sub-Zero signals to not pull it out. Kuai Liang sighs "I know I told you I had her under control but some stuff came up in the 2 months after" Johnny realizing Sub-Zero directly went against the Special Forces orders to be with Skarlet "Now Johnny, do you understand why we didn't want to tell you" Sub-Zero tells him making sure he doesn't over react "Skarlet uses a blood tentacle to hold him in place and puts the knife to his throat "now if you tell anyone, I will find you, kill you and drain you of all your bloo-". Sub-Zero puts his hand on Skarlet's shoulder, she looks back and let's Johnny go moving closer to Kuai Liang Johnny puts his sunglasses on "don't worry, I know how it is to be in a relationship that has to be kept a secret, me and Sonya went through the same thing.
My lips are sealed" both Sub-Zero and Skarlet both give a sigh of relief "now I think it's best you go before I kill you for annoying me more" Skarlet says glaring. "Don't worry she's joking" Sub-Zero tells Johnny with a reassuring look but Skarlet still continues to glare at Johnny.

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