Imma sleep when I R.I.P

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The meeting is finally over, it went by so fucking slowly,

I can't tell if it's because of all the fighting that occurred or the tension I felt because of her.

She accepted the job offer which is great

I have another writer to work on my article, a pretty one.

I get to see her for a while

I mean, mhmm *clears throat* she's a new hope for the article to finally come together.

Daaaamn, she's pretty, smart, and she's a writer. Gotta love that!

What the fuck am I doing? I'm literally daydreaming about her!

When did I become this pathetic?
Gosh, I'm starting to lose myself to loneliness.

I should really slow down on work and actually live my life, because this is getting out of hand.

But what can I do? It's not like I committed the unspeakable, they say you gotta admire the art when you see it, and that's exactly what I did. She's a beautiful fine piece of art and I admired it from afar, it doesn't matter if she's an employee or not, right?


I should stop overthinking this and actually do my job, she didn't even notice me checking her out. I'm good at that, I do it nice and careful and respectfully, as I usually do.

But for real though,I should really stop wasting my time and finish collecting myself for this next stupid meeting.

Actually no, it's not stupid. It's very important

We have one of these meetings every 6 months to go over the staff's work, and the staff itself

It goes from me to the doorman

I really try my best to take things seriously and keep my company in good shape.

That's what I was taught to do, that's what I was raised to do.


I get everything I need for the meeting and head out to the meeting room across the hall from my office

As I enter, I notice that I am yet again, the first one to show up.

I'm always either the first one to show up or I show up the same time as someone else and we're both first to show up.

I'm never late.


If I'm late to something I'll cancel it.

It already happened like 5 times since the opening of my company

I know what you're thinking: 5 times isn't a big number, but for me, it is.

All 5 happened because my flights weren't landing when they should've. So technically I isn't even my fault.

I'm the most punctual human on earth.

And I absolutely despise Unpunctual people :)

Unpunctuality is my biggest turn off, I literally cancelled multiple dates just because they were unpunctual, I can wait for 10, 15 minutes but 20mins? Naaaah, I'd be gone before I even  make the cancellation call.

So yeah you can tell I seriously hate unpunctuality

I forgive unpunctuality of course if something more important happens, like a tragedy, an accident, death, illness, but not my alarm didn't go off, or my car didn't start. I'm strict with my time and you should be too.

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