Daddy Issues

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You ran around in the streets flooded with rain laughing and smiling, the rain was so nice. That meant that the dick-wad Enji Todoroki would fail his job since he works with fire. The water that hit your skin turned to steam, your rain made steam made a highly flammable vapor. You had his eyes, so filled with hate and cruelty, but a crooked smile adorned your face as your tiny little five year old self ran around the streets celebrating the appearance of your quirks. You mom was so proud she was steaming. Too bad her hope for you becoming a star hero would be cut short just like her life.

Now in the present, you stood in the moving crowd infront of the now top hero's agency. You sauntered in holding your slightly burnt birth certificate and adoption papers. You kindly asked which way to Endeavour's office and got the directions easily.

You knocked on the door and got a rough come in. You laughed before strolling into his office and giving him two finger guns.

"Guess who's mother just died and needs a deadbeat father to care for him! You're probably betting yourself 20 dollars that I'm a figment of your twisted fucking imagination but I'm not so buckle the hell up and man up!"

He stood from his desk, towering over you with his stupid flaming beard. You just turned away after shoving the papers in his chest.

"You want to know the last thing I heard from my mother, your secretary who you supposedly loved so much to give a child!"

You looked into his eyes with your hate and anger filled ones and locked contact.

"I heard her screams and cries of agony as the house was burning down. You were there. I saw you there. Your big flaming beard, your stupid ass suit! You heard my mother die along side with me! You did nothing! You've never done anything for me! You're just a ball of hate! I regret you being my father with your useless quirk!"

He stood there shocked, you hadn't even noticed the other person in the room. He stood there wide eyed and in shock. You turned around and were about to slide everything off the desk of the giant man named Enji then you locked eyes with a boy who looked about a year older than you. Half his face was burnt, half his hair was red. He saw the anger burning in your eyes, he saw the pain, he understood you in a split moment and a new fire was lit inside him. (Pun intended)

"I was starting to believe you were ok... After this... Be lucky if I look at you Endevour."

Enji burnt the papers and shook his head.

"You were a failed experiment. You have no business being here. Now leave before I have to call someone."

You started to emit gas vapor and teared up out of pure anger.

"You absolute piece of shit! You can't even pay my child support for 16 years and leave my mother struggling then show no remorse when I come here looking for a parent! You're a worthless man! You don't deserve the top hero spot! You deserve to be killed in a painful freak accident!"

You started to laugh and rubbed your hands together, tears still flowing down your face.

"Now... about that freak accident."

You snapped you fingers and caught your hand on fire. It lit the vapor in the air almost instantly and made a large explosion, the boy would certainly survive since you saw him cocoon himself in ice. You were pretty immune to burning, you hoped Enji wasn't. You hoped he'd scream in agony and yell for mercy, you wanted revenge.

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