Chapter Three

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Ghost played her iPod on low until Ben arrived late that night. They sat in complete silence besides the splashing water. But instead of sitting by himself, Ben came and sat next to Ghost.

The minutes slipped by and turned into hours. Writing became mind games and mind games became talking. All too soon, the curfew bell rang and they parted with a silent goodbye.

Ben thought one last thing to her before she was out of reach, “I will miss you, dear one.

Ghost felt a smile play across her lips as she walked a little slower to her dorm, she thought softly, “I will miss you more.

Ghost could almost feel Ben’s smile as she opened the door to the hall. She wouldn’t be able to sleep with the day’s thoughts racing through her head. Ben and her being destine to be together, this Joker trying to take over the world, Patrick and Patricia watching over the two of them…it was a lot.

As Ghost silently changed and slipped into bed, she looked over at the glowing mass of covers that was Bekka.

“Where have you been, Ghost? I was starting to worry.” She said, tossing back the covers to expose a flashlight and a gossip magazine

Ghost played a fool and said softly, “I was here the whole time.”

Bekka growled and tossed a magazine at Ghost’s head, “You were not! Where were you? I’ll tell Mrs. Gold that you were out past curfew if you don’t tell me.”

Ghost groaned and said as lightly as she could, “At the fountain.”

Bekka shook her head and said, “Honestly, Ghost. You are an extremely frustrating person. I happen to know that you weren’t alone. Remember, our window is right above the courtyard and the fountain is in the courtyard.”

Ghost lowered her head, “I was with someone, true.”

Bekka’s eyes lit up and she grinned, “Who was it, Ghost? Do you have a boyfriend now?”

Ghost half smiled at her enthusiasm about Ghost’s love life, “I guess he’s my boyfriend. Ben.”

Bekka nodded slowly, her grin not fading, “You two are absolutely perfect for each other! I think this is more then we’ve talked in a long time.”

Ghost smiled and nodded, “Yeah. It is the longest.”

Bekka picked up the magazine that was sprawled across the floor and said, “Well, we have early morning classes tomorrow so we should probably go to bed. Did you finish the morning class homework?”

Ghost nodded before flipping her lamp off and laying back against the pillow. Bekka went on chatting to herself until she drifted to sleep. Ghost lay with her eyes open, fixating on the ceiling above her. She began to think about her parents, and the ceiling began to blur in front of her. The pain returned to her chest, constricting her. Tears fell down her cheeks, more from the memories then the actual pain. Her mother’s beautiful face came to mind, her sweet song-like voice telling Ghost she loved her. Then, her father’s worn yet handsome face came to mind, his rugged voice telling her to be a good girl.

Ghost held in a sob as the pain overcame her, she silently called out, “Ben…please…take it away…

Just as quick as she thought it, Ben appeared at her side. His face was twisted with worry as he knelt next to her. He gently took her hand and swiped away the hot tears.

As soon as he touched her, the pain melted away, “Are you okay, Ghost?

Ghost’s eyes slid shut as she nodded, “I wish you could stay here. You make everything better.

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