Chapter Four

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Ben held fast to his promise, hardly leaving Ghost alone. Ghost felt every eye on her as they walked through the hall, hand in hand. She held her breath to conceal the excruciating pain that was shooting through her chest.

Ben thought gently, knowing her pain, “Are you alright, dear one?

Ghost shook her head, she couldn’t think outside the pain. Ben kept thinking the same word over and over until it became true. Peaceful.

Ben held her hand gently, “That better?

Ghost smiled at him, “Yes. Much, much better. Thank you.

The rest of the day, he never left her side. They got plenty of stares but the pain never returned.

That night, Bekka was waiting in their dorm.

“You’re late again, Ghost. I think this Ben boy is really holding you back.” She said, her voice different to Ghost’s ears

Ghost said softly, “No, not at all. He’s helping.”

Bekka groaned, “That’s what you all think when it comes to boys.”

Ghost knew this wasn’t the real Bekka the second she said that. Something was really wrong. Ghost stayed standing and silently called for Patrick, Patricia and Ben at the same time.

“That doesn’t sound like you.” Ghost said, holding herself strong.

The pain in her chest tightened and began to become worse and worse when the shadow Bekka rose from her bed and came towards Ghost, “Oh, well people change, Ghost. I know you could.”

BEN! I need you now!!” Ghost screamed in her thoughts as the shadow Bekka came closer and closer

The pain was blinding but Ghost mustered enough strength to mutter, “Stop, Bekka. Stop it.”

Bekka’s voice was gone and replaced by Joker’s scratchy and low baritone, “Bekka is gone, Ghost. She’s long gone.”

Ben’s voice sounded behind Joker’s now grown figure, “Leave now, Joker.”

Joker spun around and saw Ben, “You again.”

Ben nodded and appeared next to me, “Leave her alone. She has nothing you need.”

Joker laughed his coarse laugh, “Oh the contraire, Ben. She is what I need.”

Ghost’s skin chilled when he uttered those words, “What do you mean? Speak only the truth.”

Joker’s look turned enduring in a very odd way as he looked to her, “I need you. You are the purest of black blood and I have been destine to be with you since Patrick was born. You are my mate.”

Ghost felt the breath leaving her. All she could see was Joker standing before her now. Ben had faded completely. Was he right? Was he telling the truth? Was Ghost really destine to be Joker’s mate?

Ghost brought herself back to being able to see clearly, just in time to see Joker moving towards her. He gently touched Ghost’s face and brought her close to his body. Ghost could do nothing to fight Joker. It was as if he had overpowered her and taken every thought captive. Joker’s touch burned brutally. Pain from every part of her echoed into her brain, waking up her power.

“Stop! Enough of the lies!” Ghost yelled into his face just before he pressed himself against her

Joker looked shocked, “You are a strong one, Ghost. I will get you soon. Soon enough.”

Ghost collapsed against the dorm door as Joker disappeared.

Ben took her into his arms and whispered, “You are as strong as he is, Ghost. He held me captive just by a thought but you…you overcame him. You took all of his power and overcame him with it. I watched it happen.”

Ghost panted, “It…it wasn’t easy…Bekka. We have to…to find her.”

Ben pointed to the window, “She’s in the courtyard. He just took her form so you would trust enough to start talking. If he can do that, so can you.”

The more Ben talked, the more Ghost realized he was right. If she could overpower Joker, she was just as powerful as he was. How is that possible? Joker is so much older and, thus, has had more time to practice his gift.

Ben sighed and brought her against his side, “It’s okay, dear one. We will fight him off together.”

Ghost turned to him and touched his face, she drew herself up towards him. He seemed to be reading her thoughts. Ben moved closer towards her and the air around them became warm and thick. Just as it had before in the hallway before the light popped. Ghost leaned her forehead on his and gently moved as close to his mouth as possible without actually kissing him. Ben half smiled and claimed her lips in the most powerful kiss she would ever receive. Ghost never wanted this moment to end. The wall behind her back, Ben’s hands around her waist, the harsh cold of his lip ring pressed against her bottom lip, the gentle nip of his teeth. She could feel everything acutely.

The kiss ended too quickly for either one of their tastes, but Patrick and Patricia entering the room made them break apart.

“Wow, that was fast.” Patrick said, his grin wide

Patricia slapped his arm and said, “Knock it off! They are attached now. I’m so proud!”

Ghost tilted her head and Ben voiced the question, “Attached?”

Patricia smiled and said softly, “When two of us become attached, we are officially branded with each other’s mark. You two would have felt something different about the kiss if you were made to be together. Did you?”

Ghost looked to Ben and slightly nodded, “I know I did…”

Ben looked down at Ghost and nodded, “Same here.”

Patrick grinned, “Well, you guys are ready to leave here then. You don’t need to be watched anymore. If you guys felt that special something, then we were right!”

Patricia scoffed, “Imagine, us being right at something!”

Ghost softly asked, “What did Joker mean when he said I was his ‘mate’?”

Patricia lifted an eyebrow, “When was he here?”

Ghost motioned around and said, her voice a little louder then normal, “Just five minutes ago! You guys didn’t see him?”

Ben looked upset, “You guys didn’t hear him or see him or feel him? His shadows were all over the building.”

Patricia shook her head slowly, as did Patrick, Patrick said, “No. We didn’t at all. He was here and said that Ghost was his ‘mate’?”

Ghost and Ben both nodded. Patricia sighed and put her head in her hands.

“He’s getting stronger if he can block us out. How on earth did you get him to leave?” Patricia asked, her voice very worried

Ben said, “Ghost is as strong as he is. She was overtaken by him, but she completely overpowered him!”

Ghost bit her lip to keep from smiling. His enthusiasm was getting to her and she knew it.

Patricia clapped, “I would have liked to see the mind games going on between the two of you. How’d you do it, Ghost?”

Ghost snapped from her thoughts and answered somewhat softly, “I had to get past this fog he put me in. He was showing me things that I don’t think I ever want to see again, honestly. How him and I were supposed to be and all this. As soon as I got past that, I was able to command him away.”

Patrick nodded and said with a smile, “You must be stronger then him. I don’t know anyone who could have done that and as fast as you did. This is amazing.”

Ben’s protective edge never left him, “It’s not very good either. He took the form of her roommate. How do we know which is him and who to trust?”

Patrick stated, completely matter of factly, “That’s easy; you don’t.”

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