youtube rewind 2019 is shit

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"GASP" Says himiko

"Oh my god can you not. Isn't that a gag from another book, anyway?" Sighs duo



himiko is in coconut mall with duo for some reason, but duo disguised himself as a normal person somehow

"how the fuck did you fit into that anyway, you fat bird" she says

"ur lucky that i actually let you come with, i was going to blast the gummy bear song for 24 hours but i decided to be nice instead"

"n o ."

himiko grumbles, and wonders if there's anyone coming for her. this is really uncomfortable... and hold on...! she knows magic, and doesn't need a wand or staff for some of it!

I could run away!

Well himiko would have to escape with that girl who was still trying to dig a tunnel with a spoon, even though it had been modified it would take forever to dig through whatever it was made of

anyway this chapter isnt memey enough-

duo cracks open a sprite cranberry

"wanna sprite cranberry?"

"that meme died in january fricking idiot"

"no swearing in my city"


"you what"


"i will turn on the gummy bear song for 24h and leave you locked in there again"


that pitch black witch girl is still carving a tunnel. she's been at it for nearly 8 months without a break. oh wow.


"uugggggghhhhhh" says miu.

"what?" says Kanade

"does this mean we're gonna find more pokémon, lackluster?" she sighs.

"we'll probably need them, sis." says james charles.

"aNYWAY" says map "we kind of need to find kcalb the vsco girl"

"oh right" says everyone

so you all keep going down the maze, twist and twist until

your pathway is blocked by a long green pipe, and suddenly an overweight plumber jumps out of it

"what the fuck" says everyone as they see mario

"it's-a me, mario!"

"yeah we fucking know" says the map

"anyway mario have u seen  a vsco girl caled kcalb anywhere?" you ask

"no lol" mario leaves

you climb over the pipe and ask the map where kcalb is

"well i dont fucking know do i? all i know is that youtube rewind 2019 is shit" says the map

"E T I H W" shouts kokichi, he was probably heard fot miles around

they re-appear
"U  W O T   M 8  ?" shouts etihw

"W H E R E S    K C A L B   I N N I T"

"H E S  U P  A H E A D  F A M !"

"L E T S  G O  G E T  E M  M A N D E M!"

Joined by etihw, everyone runs forwards

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