Chapter One

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Chapter One


Life has been real shitty lately.

With losing one of my good friends and my boyfriend all in a minute, that will usually do it for you.

As soon as Dylan showed up at my house I kicked him out, I had already been told what happened between him and Britt by the time he got there.

It took me everything to not cry while he was just standing there looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes of his that I had always gotten lost in.

As soon as he walked out of the door I just headed towards the stairs and went to cry into my pillow, that just so happened to smell like Dylan.

Zariah was around, so I believe that she told Britt to leave.

It's been about three months since Dylan and I broke up, its early November.

I have died my hair brown.

Y'know how they say girls tend to change their hair once they break up with their boyfriend, well yeah that happened to me.

A few minutes before I actually got it dyed I just thought that after wards I was gonna feel different.

My heart was not going to feel like it was ripped out of my chest and that Dylan took it with him when he walked out of my front door.

But after wards, I think I felt so much worse.

It was like I lost who I was before than.

But in reality not really, it's just a hair color.

And I was born a brunette.

Now as I was looking in the mirror I saw my mom.

She was brunette, and the most beautiful women I know.

"You look so much like her."
I quickly turned around.

There was my dad. I knew that he was talking about my mom.

"Thanks." I said to him, It was more of a whisper.

Even after three months away from Dylan, I still find it hard to find my own voice.

"You doing okay today?" He asked

He tended to ask that question.

"I think so, yeah."
I was okay, but that didn't mean I wished to see Dylan walk into the same room as me.

"You have a visitor in your room."
I think I froze in that moment.

"Its not Dylan is it?" I asked him

"No, of coarse not." He said then he walked away and down the stairs.

I walked calmly to my room.

When I opened the door Julia O'Brien was sitting in this chair I had placed near my dresser.

I really just wanted to walk out, as soon as I walked in.

I had never even met Julia, and here she was sitting in my room.

Her facial expressions reminded me so much of Dylan.

And when I looked at her, I saw so much of Dylan's facial features.

Which I have to say that I hated, so much.

I took a seat on my bed, I was just gonna wait for her to talk first.

She came here right.

That doesn't seem rude, right?
I sure as hell hope it doesn't

Broken//Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now