tales from generations.

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"What is it Haechan?"

Jaemin said as he turns to face the little boy who was reading a book surprisingly about guardians which instantly attracted Jaemin since he have a guardian who is his 'new mother' without his father even knowing anything.

"That guardians can come back to life!"

They heard a soft chuckle coming from the door and it was the eldest son, Lee Taeyong who works under Jaehyun.

"Taeyong? You are back early?"

"Oh no mother, I left something back at home and went back here to get it and thought to stop by seeing them,"

The three Lee brothers went to hug Taeyong's slim legs and smiles. Jaemin tried not to be jealous and continued to read. He wished he had a family like that and the only person who could get affection was Y/N.

"Oh Jaemin? Didn't expect you to be here,"

"I invited him here,and mom asked Jaemin's mom for permission,"

Taeyong stood their confused, since when Jaemin got a new mom and since when Jaehyun has a lover!?

"Ah! I see,"

Taeyong who looked at his watch and excuse himself
and needs to head back to the office. When he reached their he quickly went straight to the lounge and spotted Jaehyun with some of the other colleagues.

"Jaehyun! You never told us you got a new girl,"

That made the male choke on his coffee before he looks at the older one. He looks at Taeyong and said it wasn't true.

"Oh come on, Haechan just told that he invited your son to my house after my mother asked from Jaemin's 'mother',"

"What crap are you even talking about! I don't know anything! I swear this boy is gonna get it from me. First his stupid imaginary guardian called Y/N and now saying he has a new mom!"

"Hey Jaehyun take it easy on him, he is just kid and besides you left him alone most of the time,"

The male beside named Johnny who was sipping his coffee and was leaning against the shoulder. Some of the other colleagues agreed and just made Jaehyun sighs.

"I just can't understand what is going in his mind, first saying about a imaginary friend and when I entered his room there would be drawings and he would write two names, his name and his friend, Kang Y/N and says that he want me and her to be together even though I don't know who or see this Y/N,"

Taeyong hesitates before saying something and he knew this was off topic but hearing Y/N sparks something.

"Y/N? Like the Kang Y/N from 'Legend From Honour And Scars'? You told Jaemin the story? I know it's off topic but have you?"

Jaehyun who doesn't get it and is confused with everything just shake his head and have zero clue about that story since he grew up in a family who wasn't close and his parents never told tales when he was young except for his grandmother who always told him stories but Jaehyun forgot everything and not only that she passed away when he was only 10 and that made a scar in his heart because only his grandmother was the one there for him and he has no one except Jaemin.

"Well then it's time for you to cozy up and hear the story,"

Jaehyun scoffs as he looks at Taeyong but just listened anyway to the nonsense.

"There was a little girl named Kang Y/N who was born into a poor family. Her mother died while she gave birth to Y/N and her brother Kang Daesung died while fighting in the war that occurred in Korea. He was given a second chance and he became a guardian and was even a member of The Order Of The Lost Guardian which consisted of powerful guardians. All was left was Y/N and her alcoholic father and Y/N was always working to provide money for herself and her father. She cared for the children in the village and would protect them from danger. When she turned 18 a black shadowy figure appeared and it was called  Soul Eaters who craves guardian beating hearts. This Soul Eaters knew that Y/N was going to be the best guardian and was going to attack the 18 year old but her brother who came back as a guardian was able to protect her but the Soul Eater was able to cast a spell on her was to make no one love her and she could not fall in love and that made a scar on her hand. She continued to be an independent woman and worked non stop but unfortunately she passed away by the age of 20 because she saved the king's son. Years went by and Y/N was given a chance to become a guardian and she was assigned to her first child and she protected him as if he was her own child but sadly the boy fell to his death and his name...was Na Jaemin, some say that Y/N appears whenever she sees a child being hurt and never ever disturb when you see a woman wearing in all black hugging a child  because that could be Y/N, the protector of children and the one who kills without mercy,"

Jaehyun was there rooted to the ground shocked to hear the tale. First about Y/N's story and the name of the first child that she took care of. He spaced out while looking at the floor while Johnny place his hand on his shoulder.

"It's a coincidence that your son is named Jaemin and maybe there a is meaning to it. Maybe, Y/N is looking after Jaemin for this whole time?"

"You guys are already in your 20s and you all believe in all of this?"

"You used to believe in them Jung Yoon Oh, did you forgot everything? Did you broke the promise we made with grandmother?"

To Be Continued

Your Guardian | Jaehyun NCT FF (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now