4: Blessed are the Meek

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"Oh yeah!" Bill yelled as my eyes widened.

"What's he doing? Where's he going?" Kieran panicked.

"Oh, don't worry, they're only balls boy," Dutch pulled down Kieran's pants and I looked away, disgusted, "Just gonna cause you trouble. You know, in Imperial Rome, eunuchs was amongst the happiest and most loyal of courtiers!"

Bill was advancing on him with red hot shears, I shook my head in exasperation.

"No, no, no," Kieran yelled, "You sick bastards! What do you want from me?"

"Well, you are going to talk." Dutch told him, "The only question is now or after we get these little fellers off?"

"Okay, okay, listen!" Kieran said quickly, "I know where O'Driscoll's holed up, and you're right, he don't like you any more than you like him. He's at Six Point Cabin."

"Aww," Bill sounded genuinely disappointed.

"I'll take you there, serious, I don't like him," Kieran said, "I mean, I like him even less than I like you. No offence."

"Oh, none taken," Dutch said, looking at Bill and pushing the shears away.

"Alright then," I took out my knife and cut his bonds, "Why don't you take a few of us up there right now? I got this, Dutch."

I pushed him towards the horses as I heard Bill and Dutch laughing about the gelding behind me.

"Let's both hope you ain't trying to trick us, O'Driscoll," I warned.

"I ain't no O'Driscoll," he said.

"But you sure as shit was," I said before calling out, "John, Bill, come here, we got a social call needs making. Where we heading?"

"Up into the hills behind Valentine. I'll show you," Kieran said.

"John, you take this little rattlesnake with you," I said, "Any nonsense, kill him."

"Sure," John nodded, "He taking us to Colm?"

"That's what he says," I shrugged, "Come on."

"Wright, you got throwing knives in your saddlebags... I put... Dutch said to give 'em to you, I'm doing the further courtesy of telling you about it," Bill said as we mounted up.

"Next time you wanna give me something, how about giving it to me?" I retorted, "Instead of hiding it and hoping the opportunity comes up to mention it."

"Last goddamn favour I do you," he snarled.

We followed Kieran's directions up into the hills.

"We go in quiet, taking them out as we find them, trying not to set things off," I said as we neared where Kieran told us they were, "But if we do... we move quick and hard. We settle this like we know how. Okay?"

"With you, Wright," Bill said.

"Alright, let's leave the horses here," I said quietly, "We don't want to give ourselves away yet."

"Remember, we're watching you," John warned Kieran as we dismounted, "We ain't friends."

Kieran nodded solemnly and led us the final leg of our journey.

"Cabins in the clearing down there," he said as we knelt down on a hill above it, "There'll be a bunch of fellers hiding out there too."

"Are these fellers armed?" I asked.

"Armed. Drunk. Wary of strangers," Kieran replied.

"And Colm?" I continued.

"He'll be holed up in his cabin," Kieran whispered, "Be passed out, booze blind, likely as not."

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