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Read Nia's thug💛 first

Nia's pov💕

It's been a whole year since I got shot so much has changed my boys are getting big they are walking talking and everything Bella she is at the top of her class she don't get in no type of trouble she is so smart and she is the biggest help for me she helps with the twins and everything else umm and it's one more thing that happened well Zo he got killed that night at the wedding but if you ask me he isn't dead because at the hospital they didn't let me see his body they let star and everybody else go but me at his funeral it was close casket everybody went up but me it was so hard for me to see the man I love in a cold casket it still hurt to this day to think about it it's crazy how I thought my life would be better now but no it was like I lost a part of myself that night

(Bella) mommy can I go to granny house today

(Nia) yes you can bug

Bella climbed in the bed with Nia and cuddled her

(Bella) mama are you sad

(Nia) no baby why you ask that

(Bella) because your eyes are red and you sitting here by yourself looking sad

(Nia) no honey I'm not sad I was just thinking about daddy

(Bella) ma I miss him and when I think about him I get sad

(Nia) me too bug but guess what if you go put your shoes on me you and your brothers can go to the park and then I will take you to granny's house

Bella jumped up and ran upstairs Nia was laughing at how Bella's mood just changed that quick Nia walked upstairs and got the boys ready

Bella jumped up and ran upstairs Nia was laughing at how Bella's mood just changed that quick Nia walked upstairs and got the boys ready

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NAMIR on the left and Lucas on the right

(Nia) NAMIR get off your brother

NAMIR was on Lucas trying to get Lucas's race car

(Lucas) ma he took my ca

(Nia) your what

(Lucas) my ca

(Bella) ma he said car

(Nia) girl how you know what he said you good because I was lost

They all got in the car and made their way to the park they was now at the swing set

(NAMIR) fast

(Bella) mama he wants to go faster

(Nia) mir mir you want to go fast

He shock his head up and down

(Lucas) me too ma

20 minutes later

Nia watched the kids play and play they was getting tired

(Bella) mama I'm ready to go home I'm sleepy

(Nia) I thought you wanted to go to your gramma house

(Bella) no can I go tomorrow

(Nia) k baby let's go

Nia got the kids in the car then was on her way to McDonald's Nia looked back to ask the kids what they want but the twins was sleep

(Nia) 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸ℯ𝓈𝓈 what you want

(Bella) happy meal

Nia got the food as she was driving home it felt weird it felt like someone was watching her she didn't know who because she could have sworn the same black Lexus was following here.

Go read 💕⬇️

Go read 💕⬇️

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Who y'all think following her?
Is Zo dead?

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