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Ok look it's some spelling errors but idc it's late and I'm sleepy so👀🤷🏽‍♀️

Ok look it's some spelling errors but idc it's late and I'm sleepy so👀🤷🏽‍♀️

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Zo pov💙

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Zo pov💙

On the phone with Blake

(Blake) son I need you need to make that drop tonight for to the russians

(Zo) I cant I'm in Barbados

(Blake) wtf you doing all the way out there

(Zo) me and Nia had to take a little break and we came out here

(Blake) damn I wish you would have said something now I got to tell your brother to do it and you know he a damn hot head so I don't know how this gone go

(Zo) pop's he gone be cool I promise

(Blake) man I hope so but I love u tell the fam I said wuzup

Zo was laughing at his dad trying to sound cool Zo and his father had a tight bond it's always been him ty and Blake they was always doing something together Blake was like Zo's superhero he the one who put Zo on the football team and made he be a star at his high school Zo wasn't always in the streets he was once the star athlete but his uncle got killed and he was like Blake's right hand man they did everything together they had a empire and when he got killed it tore Blake up so Zo stepped up and tried his best to fill his uncles shoes.

(Zo) I love you to pop's we gone be back on Monday

End of conversation💕

Nia's pov💋

Everybody was out side in the back of stars parents beach house swimming Zo's grandpa Toni was grilling Nia got along right away with Toni and Simone those are Zo's grandparents Bella was having so much fun playing with the water with both her grandmother and great grandmother the boys was sleep and I don't know where Zo big head ass is he's been to himself a bit he's been like this since yesterday jasmine had called him and asking where was he when he seen me looking at his conversation he walked outside to finish his phone call but it's cool I'm not gone worry I'm in this beautiful place around people I love Zo can gone with tha-

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