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It's been a whole two weeks and Nia still hasn't heard from Zo it's been real hard for her these past two weeks she's been trying to get her a new shop since the one she was gone get in Florida was in a bad neighborhood she didn't want to run a business in that part or the city because some is always breaking in or serving around her shop and she didn't want that.

Money is really tight for her and she don't know what to do she got a little money saved and the shop in Chicago doing ok it's not the best but it's like something is always needing to get fix and Bella is in gymnastics now the twins in daycare and that all cost a arm in a leg😩

Nia became cool with a girl who's kid's goes to Bella's new school her name is Bee she told Nia she couldn't work at the strip club that she works at if nia wants to at first Nia said naw but the way them bills look she can't do tonight she has a audition for this club that's call B5.


Zo's pov ~Music if you want~

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Zo's pov
~Music if you want~

Man I been fucked up I didn't know how much I need Nia shit even my damn kids till now I been miserable without them but I should've thought about that when I was out doing me but that day keep replaying in my head the moment I put my hands on Nia you should've seen her face it was like she seen a monster or something I miss waking up to my kids I just got my family back and I messed that all up but it's cool I'm just gone give them time I looked back on how I was slowly killing my self doing all them pills,fucking different women hurting my love ones I just wanted to find away to cope with my mama's death but I know she shaking her head she was in love with Nia I us to tell her everything about Nia she would kill me know if she seen the shit that's going on now hell my pops already tried to.

Nia otp with kelly&Mia
Group FaceTime📱

(Mia)  so how why yo bald head as sister London came in the shop thinking she was about to get her nails done

(Nia) bitch stop playing with me

(Kelly) no she came in there talking about I want my sis pooh to do my nails

(Nia) with all the shit I'm going through I really don't need this hoe in my life because I'm bond to kill somebody

(Mia) yes babygirl I'm sorry to hear that but you know me and that that dog ass bitch kelly got u

Nia was laughing because she's messing her girls

(Nia) I miss y'all so much y'all just don't know

(Mia&kelly) we miss u too

(Nia) y'all it's 9:00 I got to go to the audition I love y'all be good

(Mia&kelly) we love you too and tell the kids we said we love them too

(Nia) kk

End of conversation 😔 (little sad)

The kids was at Blake's house I lives 15 minutes away from Nia so boom babysitter😁

It was time for nia to get ready she had no idea on what she was wearing but she did get a lil outfit at the strip store

She stared to play ~Tink I ain't got time today~ she got out the shower did her hair and makeup



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Nia was on her way to the club when she made it the club was packed she was a little scared but not that much because the first couple of months was hard for her when Zo "died" and she need money so she stripped for like 2 months but the club was ...

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Nia was on her way to the club when she made it the club was packed she was a little scared but not that much because the first couple of months was hard for her when Zo "died" and she need money so she stripped for like 2 months but the club was never packed like this😬

Vote comment chapter will be fixed and part two will be coming 💛

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