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I'm sorry y'all😂😂

Bella-Mama can we please get this one I love this one it just came out plzzzzzz

Nia-You always want to get toys whenever we come to the store but since you my princess you can get one LOL look you can't tell your brothers they will flip

Bella- thanks ma I love you

Nia- love u too

Bella went running down the toy aisle in the store Nia laughed at Bella. Nia and Bella was at the story getting groceries for the road Zo found out yesterday somehow Six found out they was out here he said he coming for them

In the car/Nias thoughts🦋

Me and Bella was in the car and ever since the store I keep getting this weird ass feeling I don't know what it is but it's something but I ain't gone pay it no mind so I was just driving then out of nowhere a car rolled down the window I didn't see a face all I seen was a gun


The person shot the window almost hitting Nia she swerved speeding Bella was on the floor screaming Nia's heart was betting so fast
All she thought was her baby could of got killed just now she quickly snapped back into reality she was starting to loose them she picked up the phone and called Zo

Zo- Yes bae


She was crying yelling all at the same time

Bella-mommy your arm

Bella had tears running down her face she couldn't process what was going on

Nia looked down it was blood running down her arm Zo was in the back panicking

Zo- Nia where's Bella BAE!!!

Nia couldn't really speak she was going into shock vision was getting blurry

Bella- I'm here daddy

Zo- okay good baby Nia Ni-

Bella was about to say something but Nia served off the road then two Vans pulled up grabbing Nia and Bella out the car Zo was still on the phone but one of the men who got out the van smashed the phone they threw the girls in the back of one of the vans

5 hours later⏰🤯

Nia slowly woke up she was laying on a cold concrete floor she looked over to see Bella on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth Nia couldn't move she was chained up just like Bella

Bella- mommy

Crystal smacked Bella

Crystal- that's not your fucking mother I'm your mother I gave birth to you not her

Bella was crying holding her face

Nia- it's ok baby stop crying

Nia tried moving but Six but his foot on her back

Six- hey wifey you missed me

Six kissed her forehead

Nia- let Bella go

Six- you not in the position to be telling me what to do

Nia spit blood on his face that wasn't smart Six grabbed Bella by her hair Nia tried her best to get up but her body was weak six gave Bella to one of his works and told him to watch her why he picked up Nia off the floor and cared her to a room all the way upstairs in a dark hallway

Six- you gone respect me

Nia- why you doing this

Six put her on the bed and chained her why he got on top of the dresser smoking staring at her

He let a small chuckle

Six- your lil boyfriend killed my son

Nia- your son Zo ain't never killed a kid a day in his life

Six- oh I see you don't know your man then he kill jasmine

Nia- how you know jasmine

Six- jasmine was my baby mama

Nia look shocked asf

Nia- that can't be true because this dude I knew lucky he told me she was pregnant by some guy in New York

Six- stop trying to lie that was my baby

Nia- okay what you want with us

Six- I'm gone get pay back

Nia- look I'm sorry Zo killed your so called seed but I'm not sorry that jasmine gone she tried to kill me so what you think he was suppose to do

Six- you lying because why would she want to kill you

Nia's thug 💛💛(Done)Where stories live. Discover now