New Faces, Same Friends

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(Forbidden Realm)

"Zane?" Jay gaped.

"Yes, Jay? I am sensing high levels of concern in your voice. Is everything okay? " He said, turning around to face Jay. "Woah, Jay, you look... strange."

"I know! What's going on?" Jay examined his hands. Unlike the usual claw-shaped ones he'd had for over seventeen years - the new ones were rather... unusual. Five long fleshy digits sprouting from a white pad attached to the end of his arms. Jay flexed his new appendages and screamed: "What are these things?"

"There's something on my face!" Cole screamed whilst running his new hands over his chiseled dark face. "My face has something on it!"

"Nya, your hair looks like it's made of tiny strings!" Said Kai, weak but shocked.

"We're not yellow anymore!" Zane bellowed. "Cole! You look like a toasted marshmallow!"

Cole looked at his hands that were a deep shade of chocolatey brown. He looked at Zane. "Zane, you look like an un-toasted marshmallow!"

The ninja all screamed while running their hands over their faces and arms. They pinched their clothes and hair. For a moment all you could hear was the sound of their panicked chatter.

Bang - the ninja stopped silent and every head turned towards the sound. For a moment Zane stood in shock until the full weight of the situation hit him. He collapsed forward revealing a tiny girl brandishing a baseball bat held high above her head.

"What the heck!" The minuscule teenage girl poked at a loose panel that had been knocked loose from Zane's head. "It's a robot!"

"Calm down, lady, what's going on here?" Jay said as calmly as he could with his hands in the air. The girl drummed her fingers on the bat threateningly.

"What's going on is you six weirdos broke into my bakery and now the police are on their way!" She yelled, her dark brown eyes bore into Jay's now blue ones. "Have fun in jail!"

"Woah, Woah, no one is going to jail. We're the good guys here." Protested Nya.

"I can't go to jail...again," Cole muttered, but no one took notice.

"Then what are you doing with all of these weapons, and what are you doing in my shop?" The girl demanded, tightening her grip around the bat.

"Okay first things first," Cole said taking a step forward. "What realm is this? Are the Police really coming? What's your name? And do you have a boyfriend?"

Jay threw Cole his best Are-you-serious-about-that-last-question look and shook his head. Cole shrugged.

"Realm? What do you mean realm? This is Earth." She answered, confusion prevalent in her voice and expression. "I didn't call the cops, yet." She added sternly.

"And your name?" Cole edged.


"Okay Cole, in case you didn't notice we need to call an ambulance," Said Nya as she screwed the panel back into Zane's head. Zane's eyes lit back up and he stood up.

"Oh yes, Olivia, can you call help? And would you mind not calling the police on us?" Cole asked.

Olivia scoffed and brushed her long layered hair off her face. "Why should I help you?"

"Um, maybe because our friends are bleeding out and we really need your help." Said Cole. "You can trust us." Cole pulled his best there's-no-way-you-can-say-no-to-me-face.

Olvia considered this for a moment. "Okay... fine! But I still don't trust you and after we get those two fixed you're going to tell me exactly what's going on here!"

Cole smiled, "Deal."

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