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First of all I'd like to thank all those who commented and voted for my story, and whose views helped me read the thousands!!!!!! Love you all!!😘Second, This is not an update and I'm sorry to those who got super excited. My life has just been heck tick lately and I haven't found time to write too much. I have been trying to figure out the route of the story I want to go and how to pull things together. Plus I have all this school work and college applications. Ugh those are a big pain in my butt.
Another thing, I haven't gotten anybody's cover design for my story so I'm a little bit sad. :'( I would really like to receive some so send them to jade.tiger@yahoo.com!!!!!

I hope to update sometime this week, so long as I don't get a work overload. 😩 One more question I have, how is everyone liking the story so far?
Thanks so much!!!!!!😘

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