Part 62

551 15 0

'hahns'- mind voice

"what "-conversation 

"wahasnt "-parseltongue

Third P.O.V (Harry Potter)

I finally reached the Burrow . The Order helped rescued me . Unfortunately the death eaters were also there. Hagrid portkeyed  me to Andromeda and Ted Tonks house. During this time Hedwig was toppled to the ground from the high sky all thank to that slimy wormtail. At their house I realised that Andromeda was actually Bellatrix sister and Sirius 's cousin. After Ted Tonks healed me , I was soon Portkeyed to the Burrow. Ginny was the first who saw me . She ran and hugged,suffocating me in progress. Finally all of the other order members reached. After shoving my wand to their faces dozens of times just to make sure their not polyjuiced, 2 figures appeared carrying  someone . We all made way and saw George Weasley with blood dripping from his ear . Fred  ,Ginny and Ron ran towards him , while I stayed in the shadow . Mr Weasley shouted at Kingsley before running in . It turned out that George lost a ear due to Wormtail's curse. The twins started making the ear joke and soon the tension was lifted a bit . I went up to the attic wanting to get away from everyone . As soon as I was alone , I took out my Ana's stuff toy and clutched it in my hands . I cannot believe that Snape would be a death eater. I burned with anger however an inner voice withheld my anger
'Think about the twins , think about me before you make any decision . ' That thoughts are what keeping me sane for now . I know I have been a bad brother to my sister , now in this dangerous times I do not wish to harm her or the twins . The attic door opened and Ginny Weasley peered inside with a look of what she think is cute and shy. 

"Can I come in ?" I shrug my shoulders. I came and and sat beside me . 
"Are you okay ?" she ask me again . 

"No ." I replied monotonously .She placed her hand on my palm and immediately noticed the teddy in my hand .

"Is this your ? Oh Harry how thoughtful of you to still keep your toys . You would be a wonderful father . " 

"No I won't be .This is not mine anyways . "I snatched the teddy from her . I looked shocked and her expression was baffled .

"Then whose is it ? Did any of the cute children give this to our saviour ?"

"No , I don't want to talk about it . " I snapped. However that she -weasley did not leave me in peace. 

"What ? I am supposed to know about it . I have all the right . "

"What right ? You are just my friends sister . "

"I am supposed to marry you . "

"Nonsense. I never liked you that way . "

"What about all those kisses. "

"I am sorry Ginny . I thought I did but after meeting someone , I know you are not the one for me . " I told her sincerely . She looked at me with venom in her eyes.

"I will marry you Harry Potter . It is in the contract . " she huffed and left . 

'Contract ?What contract ? Maybe I should ask Hadria.'  I stretched my limbs and went back to bed . It was an exhausting day for me today . 

Third P.O.V (Hadria )

I brought the twins to the black lake . After the incident with the dark Lord , Leena needed some time to be a normal baby . The twins and I sat under a large apple tree watching the giant Squid making its appearance. My babies were enthralled.I found it amusing watching them gaping over a giant Squid . Layton looked back at me and scowled . I shook my head . Suddenly a picnic basket appeared , I looked around and saw Severus approaching us . He came towards us handing me a bouquet of wild flowers and a chaste kiss on my fore head before scooping Leena and Layton on his arm and plopping himself against the tree. I opened the picnic basket and laid down all the food . Severus asked the house elves to prepare some grilled sandwiches, peaches,baby juice for the twins and a bottle of sparkling juice. I poured the juice into the twins sippy cup and hand them while pouring Severus a glass of sparkling juice and helping myself with a grilled sandwich . We sat there quietly and observing the scenery . There was no one else in Hogwarts except for us and the house elves.  I looked at Severus , he closed his eyes but seem peaceful however My leena seem to be angry while Layton snorted.

"What is going on you two ?" Severus jerked up and shouted"What "

"Not you Severus but these 2 menace. "

"Mama we no menace...Li and I goof."

"Really now , Why did you snort when your sister looked angry ?"

"Mama..Li angwy at wed head."

"Red head ? Ron ?"

"No . You wed head ."

"Layton ..what are you telling young man .  Leena is mad at your mother ?"  Layton rolled his eyes . 

"NO mama wed head wif unca."

"Harry ?" Layton nodded. 

"You mean Ms Weasley ?"

"Yesh papa . Li mad at she ." Hadria grabbed Leena when the baby pouted and cuddled her closely .

"Leena baby why are you mad at her suddenly ."

"My hawwy . " Layton rolled on the grass laughing while my baby girl pouted . 

"Layton Snape , what is going on ?"

"Sowwwy mama. Li and me saw Dweam . Unca Hawwy sitting in stais . Wed head sit and then took Leena's toy . Wed head say Unca Hawwy marry she . They got contwact . Ma what is contwact ?"
"What does he mean Severus ?"

"I think there is a contract drawn by the Weasley regarding your brother's marriage . "

"What no. This cannot be possible . We must do something . " Hadria gripped his arm . She looked at him with wide fear . Severus took a glance at his wife and daughter . He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed . 

"I know a solution  . Let us go the Gringotts. We may find a link ."

"Good idea. Tomorrow is Harry birthday . We might as well get him a present . " Leena squealed with enthusiasm with her mother while the Male Snape looked bored well Severus did while Layton ignored very one of them . The baby seemed to be frowning . He suddenly turned towards his family and shouted.

"Now . "

"What baby ?"

"Mama now . Shopping pwease. Is impowant."


Leena crawled to her brother. They both seemed to have a internal conversation . Both the children turned to their parents and screamed "Now. now . now . "

"Okay let me go and grab your cloaks before we leave ." 

Soon Severus appeared with their cloak and hats and the Snapes family flooed to Gringotts .

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