part 67

484 9 0

'nowhi'= thinking 
"nojojn"= talking 

Hadria's P.O.V

I sat down in my private  chamber at Hogwarts reminiscing my memories . My twins are now 16 years old . Its been nearly more than a decade since the second war began . Voldemort began actively pursuing his politics agenda in a new facade . I gave him that new facade . Since Severus was promoted to be the headmaster and he appointed Draco and I to be the potions master and mistress respectively, we were forced to do research to create potion that helps to restore his traits before he was  a snake faced bastard . I more so than Draco due to the position my child and husband in in .  To my complete surprise it was my baby boy who helped me to create the potion . Thus it is now 5 years since Voldemort got his new face and  my daughter got a new post in his reign . Muggles are still treated as usual to my surprise . Severus and I with the help of Draco are trying our best to protect the students form the crazed death eaters such as the  Carrows. Those I studied with are all out there trying their best to survive the war. Somehow Severus and I manage to save Longbottom from a massacre a few year ago . He now hold the position of the caretaker of the greenhouse. Charlie and Sirius decided to come back to Hogwarts with their children's and Teddy . Teddy is my god son . Since the death of his mother and grandparents , Remus went crazy and attacked  Fenrir Greyback. Currently he is being held as a captive in Malfoy Manor.  Lucuis and Narcissa  are trying their level  best to protect him . However at Leena and Nagini's insistence that he is alive . This prompt Charlie to persuade Sirius to revert back to the old traditions of Blacks to protects the children . Siri agreed with reluctance but thankfully passed they test Voldemort placed for him. My musings were interrupted with the arrival of the snape-lupin-black broods.

"Aunty, tobby meany."

"Tobias . Why are you being mean ?"

"No mama , I did not do anything . It was all Ella's fault ."

"Now . That is a prove he is dad's child " a voice drawled lazily .I  whipped my head around so fast that I thought I sprained my neck. Layton stood  at the entrance of my chamber , leaning slightly at the door  holding my precious baby girl while smirking . I smiled and motioned him towards me and embracing my baby boy .

"Baby boy , when did you arrive from Draco's cottage ?"

"MUM" He groaned while the others snickered . 

"You are still my baby Layton . Now answer my question . When did you come and why is Druella accusing Tobby ? Why is Naina with you ? I told Connor and James to take care of her . Where are the boys ?"

"Calm down mom . Professor McGonagall caught those two sneaking to Hogsmeade while dumping my precious with Teddy .  Naturally , I had to go to the greenhouse to get some aconite leaves for Uncle Draco's potion and I saw McGonagall harassing the menaces and Teddy for being there. Little miss Snape here was bawwling her eyeballs while Teddy looked hysterical . I quickly went to Teddy's rescue and brought them here. I was not lucky enough to save James and Connor though . The Carrows caught them and McGonagall was so happy to sent them to those vile things. "
The children gasped . Tobby, Druella, Arthur, Orion  and Anna gasped. They all started sniffling . I saw Arthur and Orion exchanging glances before Orion moved in front of me sniffling .

"Ori, is there anything you want to tell me ?"

"I am sowwie. Afuw and me wants sweet. Jamie say he will bwing . I no know he go out. Ori sowwie . Ori sowwie . " Orion started crying with Arthur in tow . Layton looked angry while Teddy looked exasperated.  Layton started walking towards them .

"You are sorry ? Do you know what you have done . They will be hurt because of you . Are you both that stupid ? James and Conner will be hurt and it is all both your bloody fault ."

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