Chapter 6 (meeting the twins)

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"Hello Mrs. Smith I'm so so so sorry I'm late."

"Ohh hi Charlotte, but your fine you came just in time cause my flight leaves at 11 now, I was about to leave."

"Oh ok good so do you have a list for the girls or like a schedule."

"Oh no I don't I forgot to make one I'm sorry."

"No no it's fine I just need to know what they can and can't do, what time they go to sleep, and what to feed them.

"Ohh thats not that hard they can't go into any room just their bedroom, kitchen, and restroom." "Their sleeping schedule they don't have one because they just fall asleep with the Tv on and feeding them they can order something cause theirs like a city 3 to 6 miles away also don't take them out cause they go crazy and would want you to buy them a lot of things that they don't need."


"So goodbye Charlotte and good luck, cause really trust you with Rebecca and Alexa."

"Don't worry Mrs.Smith I'll take good care of them and make sure they stay out of trouble."

"Ok thank you, Bye Charlotte."

"Bye Mrs.Smith."

Shuts House Door

Charlotte P.O.V
"Uhhh ok so now all I got to do is find a room to put my stuff maybe I should have ask Mrs. Smith where I could have put my stuff at well its to late for that now." "Omg there's so many rooms so I'm guessing their guest room so I'll just pick one closest to the girls room after I find where their room is at."

Time Skips

"Ok so after a while I think I found their room because the door is all covered in stickers and their names are on the door, but then the door is shut so their probably sleeping or something so I'm just going to put my stuff in my room and explore around."

"Ok so now time to go look around I already know where the living room is at so I think I'm just going to look what their then Im going to find the restroom and other stuff."

"Wow just Wow Mrs.Smith has some really vintage pictures, but then one picture really caught my eye it was a picture of two twins, b-but how this is like 50 to something years old, so why do they need a babysitter, but then they could be Mrs.Smith grandchildren or something so I'm not going to think much about it."

"Now time to go look for a restroom or restrooms." "OMG is their really just one restroom in this whole 3 story house wait let me check the rooms cause all the rooms had 2 doors." "Ohhhh ok so all the bedrooms have a restroom in them I was about to sa-

Knock on the door

"Uhhh who could that be their is nobody,but me and the twins and their asleep."

"Uhhhh hello, what the hell their nobody here ok now this is weird."

Knock on the door again

"OMG who in the world is knocking and how do they know I'm in this room out of all the other rooms they know I'm in this one, Ok Charlotte calm down, but if their is nobody at the door I'm going to freak out."

"Uhhh hello"

"Uhhh Hi are you our babysitter."

"Ohhh your Rebecca and Alexa right."

"Yup and you got us mixed up Alexa is the one thats a little taller and I'm Rebecca the one thats a little shorter."

"Ohhh ok also do you know who was knocking on my door the first time."

Ohh uhh *giggles* that was both of us sorry we like to scare or prank are babysitters when they first arrive because all babysitters get the room closest to are room because they want to make sure we are safe 24/7 it sort of gets old because all other babysitters treat us like we are 3 but we're 7 years old."

"Ohhh well I'm more of a chill person sometimes, but I will have to check on y'all every once and a while, but not to much." "Also do y'all always talk at the same time."

"Yup cause we are twins, but if you want us to stop we can."

"No no its fine I was just asking."

"Ohh ok."

"So what do y'all want to do right now."

"Can we order food cause we're hungry."

"Sure what do y'all want to eat."

"Ummmm PIZZA!!!!"

"Of course every child likes pizza what kind do y'all want and how many."

"We get one pepperoni, but if your hungry you can get any type of pizza you want."

"Ok sure so one pepperoni pizza and one cheese pizza." "But I see y'all stop talking at the same time does Alexa not like to talk or something."

"She does she just needs to get use to you and then we would start talking at the same time she also stopped cause she wants you to know who is saying what even though we say the same thing, but she wants you also to know who wants one so we don't fight or anything cause if we fight it gets a little crazy thats why we don't really have a lot of babysitters take care of us cause they quit on how much we fight and they only last an hour or so, so we hope you can take care of us for a whole week."

"I think I can do it so I'll probably just stop the fights and plus I can't quit because your mom is over seas and I can't just leave y'all here alone."

"Well if you did we could take care of are self because when the other babysitters left we just took care of ourselves for a whole day or a few ours and plus its the babysitters fault they leave and then they call our mom to ask if they can get their money when they just took care of us for 1 hour so then are mom says no cause they left us alone in house with nobody and we could have gotten hurt."

"Ohhh ok, but lets get this pizza order cause I'm hungry too."


(Charlotte Thoughts)
Wow I guess Alexa just talks when there's food which is great cause she's just like me." "So I guess after we get the pizza and they eat and probably take a bath or change and go to bed I can call Abigail to tell her how its going, but I really did underestimate this place cause I thought it was haunted."

Okkk my little dumplings this part is done hope y'all like it and I'll try to update after I publish this story so PEACE!!!!!

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