Chapter I

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-_-" I hate that capital "I"s on the computer don't look like they do in real life. *looks sadly at chapter title* That is supposed to be a Roman Numeral 1, just sayin. -.-"

OK! Rant about computer keyboards over, I.... have absolutely no clue where I'm going with this. It might go somewhere, might be deleted, might be crappy, might be awesome. I warn you all right now that I SUCK at romance. -.-"

Picture on the side is Scarlet (such an original name, I know! ._. ) Just, ignore the piercings.


Scarlet wasn't exactly your... typical teen. Standing at about 5'3, with seemingly unnatural red hair and slate blue eyes, along with her favored dark attire, she stood out. A lot. She was actually very pretty, and there were many boys at the school that wanted her attention. Unfortunately, the red-head simply wasn't interested. Not in a stuck-up "I'm too good for you" kind of way, but because she wasn't... girly. Or boy crazy. In fact, Scarlet was, essentially, "one of the guys."  Sports, war games, childish pranks, skate-boarding, you name it; she never missed any of the fun. But she did have a slight issue; she was absolutely obsessed with anything to do with blood and murder. So naturally, she became obsessed with the infamous case of Jeff the Killer. And that is how our story begins.

Running down the sidewalk, with a game case clutched in her hand as if her life depended on getting it to its destination, Scarlet clumsily stumbled up the stairs to an apartment, knocking on the door. "Come in!" a voice called. Panting slightly, she ran inside and slapped the case onto the table, grinning triumphantly. "I'm sorry I'm late, but look! I got it!" The three others in the room, all boys, grinned. "Awesome! You're the best Scar!" A boy with shaggy brown hair and forest green eyes held up his hand for a high-five, which was returned by the proud red-head. "Okay! Before we play, you guys wanna hear something?" She smiled mischievously, and one of the boys rolled his hazel eyes. His messy black hair hung in his face, contrasting sharply with his pale skin. "Let me guess; someone on the opposite side of the country was killed by Jeff?"

Scarlet smirked and shook her head. "Not even close. Seven people, in the next town over, were brutally murdered, all with smiles carved into their faces, and missing kidneys."

The silence that followed was eerie. All eyes had widened, staring at Scarlet in disbelief. They were firmly convinced that Jeff was just a story, created to scare poor gullible souls, but all had heard their parents talking about outrageous murders nearby. The hazel-eyed boy scoffed. "You're just trying to scare us. Like I'm going to believe a word of that bullshit."

Scarlet sighed. "Jacob, you won't be saying that when you see the phrase "Go to sleep" written in blood on the school walls next to a murdered student."

"Wait- what's with the kidney thing? I thought Jeff wasn't much of a kidney person." The third boy spoke up. Blue-eyed, fair skinned, with a small frame and chocolate brown hair, this boy practically screamed Shy kid! 

The female smiled a sweet, fake smile. "Please Jonas. That wasn't his doing. Eyeless Jack was also responsible for this set of murders~!"

The first boy raised an eyebrow. "So now two serial killers, who were supposed to be myths, are probably going to come and murder us all in our sleep?!"

Scarlet smiled, her eyes gleaming with an unknown excitement. "Precisely Sam. Precisely~!" she replied in a sing-song voice.

Jacob scoffed again. "Look, can we just play? This conversation is dumb."

Sighing lightly, the gray-eyed girl set up the game, whispering "Go to sleep Jacob~." as she walked past him.


Yeah, it's short, I know. But it was more of an intro than an actual chapter. >-< 

Votes and comments make me happy, and keep me from going on killing sprees with Jeff. Save a life and leave a comment!

Sweet Nightmares~!


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