Chapter 4: Crossroads

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Mos Shuuta; Teemo's Palace

Disarmed, Jarek and Madlyn were frog-marched into Teemo's Palace. Passing through a fortified gateway there were two narrow rooms positioned one behind the other. Heavy pillars supported the arched roof. Two hulking Gamorrian guards flank the main entrance and a pair of Teemo's henchmen waited in the foremost area. The walls were made of a thick armored material, and Jarek always assumed they were able to withstand blaster fire.

Next, they passed through a Reception area. This area was used to keep guests comfortable and entertained while they waited to be admitted into Teemo's throne room. Seeing as they were expected the guards ushered them right on through into the throne room proper.

The throne room was dominated by the gladiatorial arena, set into the center of the room. Its tall, dome-shaped ceiling and stadium-style seating made the room feel extremely spacious, although there wasn't much light. What light there was came primarily from a large and somewhat intimidating chandelier that hung directly over Teemo's throne. An all Bith house band occupied the stage. They were playing dirty Tatooine blues with some virtuoso kloo horn flourishes.

The Hutt's raised throne dais sat above the sunken fighting pit. Surrounding the arena on multiple tiers were tables and chairs for the Hutt's sycophants to cheer on the bloodletting while being served by scantily clad female slaves of varying species. Teemo's debauchery knew no bounds.

The Hutt in question sat atop his throne nursing a massive goblet of some beverage. His one good eye constantly staring as it scanned his surroundings. A menagerie of alien guards, slaves, and hangers-on flanked him. Hutts were judged by their entourage and even as a low-ranking Hutt, Teemo's was rather impressive. Jarek had to admit that the Hutts power and influence had been what attracted him to work for the slug. In hindsight that might've been foolishly naive of him.

Jarek and Madlyn were pushed forward until they were right in front of the crime lord. Jarek's helmet protected him from a lot but the smell that came off the slug was something no filter could stop. If the droppings of a rancor had offspring with a Bantha's musk it would be a Hutt's general stench. Madlyn seemed to agree by the way she was valiantly fighting her gag reflex.

Catching sight of them Teemo focused in with his one good eye. "Finally, you come before me. I hope I didn't interrupt anything too important."

"Well in fact-" Madlyn began but was cut off by a roar from the Hutt.

"Silence!" Teemo bellowed throwing his massive goblet. Both Madlyn and Jarek ducked as it flew overhead and clattered into the arena where even the fighters became still. "You fail to deliver my spice! You get my ship destroyed! You kill one of my men, and then you had the nerve to go get drunk rather than face me!"

"Seriously!" Madlyn shouted back taking the entire room by surprise. With her sobriety compromised there was no filtering the woman. Before Jarek could stop her the Alderanni yelled out, "You think we enjoy working for a slug like you?" Teemo gaped for a moment giving Madlyn room to continue. "Oy, here's a bit of food for thought! We...were...shot...down! So how about you get angry at the scum that did the shooting!"

Teemo glared down at her, unimpressed by Kallos' rant; or lack of good sense in Jarek's opinion. "They are not here," he pointed a flabby arm at them, "you are." He glared hatefully down at the pair, but his gaze hardened on Madlyn. "I trusted you with this job, and you failed me." Around them the crowd nodded and grunted in agreement. "There must be consequences for failure!" he declared earning cries of approval. A guard stepped forward and struck the woman behind the knee. Madlyn swore as her legs buckled. Jarek started to move but gave pause at the sight of the guard's weapons.

Edge of the Empire: Book 02: Escape from Mos ShuutaWhere stories live. Discover now