Chapter 2 - Change of Courses

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Or when Luck finally finds a way to help out Peter Parker...

A little more than one week had passed since Peter met with the girl, and now he had started to accept, that he probably won't see her again. He couldn't recall seeing her anytime in the last three months, before that late-afternoon class, and he didn't see her on the same one, one week later, either. He even managed to arrive at that class late again, just so he could next to her this time too, but she didn't show up at all.

At least this time he wasn't in a hurry. He was walking towards building R, with a comfortable pace, getting his mindset ready for his next practice course. He wanted to be sharp that day because he just changed his last course unit to this one because that last instructor was a douchebag, and he didn't really know what to expect. He heard a lot of good about this course, but still...

He opened the building's gate with a yawn and headed for the second floor. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to stay out on patrol for late-night before this day. As a matter of fact, he wanted to head home around 1 AM, right after he had webbed a mugger to a lamp-post, but the exact moment, he had turned around, he felt that something else was wrong too, and the events didn't stop from that point up until 3 AM. So much about waking up at 7, and starting to write his science study...

He opened the door of a room, he had never seen before. A couple of other students were sitting inside already, some of them chatting, the others just waiting in silence, but none of them seemed familiar to Peter, so he chose an empty line and sat down in it. According to his phone, he still had ten minutes, so he unpacked his notes with his computer, and turned it on. He felt like maybe he should check out his previous notes on the subject, but was unable to bring himself to that, so with a healthy amount of shame, he opened up twitter instead.

He was just about to like a post on Spider-Man when he sensed that something was going to happen. He looked around instantly and saw the girl from last week's class enter the room with an opened book in her hands. Time had slowed down for a moment and Peter felt his heartbeat quicken. She didn't seem to notice him, and she sat down in the far corner of the room, setting her book on her desk, not even looking up from it.

Peter realized that he was openly staring at her so he quickly turned back to his computer. Okay. Keep it together. What were the odds, really? From about fifty different courses on this subject, he managed to pick the one, which she was attending to. He could just walk up to her right now... but no. Even though they'd met once, it would still be weird. Or wouldn't it...? Would it? Oh, he wished May was there, so bad. She always seemed to know how to handle these situations. Okay. Focus. She won't go anywhere. Class' almost starting. Sit still. Pay attention to the teacher. And walk up to her at the end. Okay, cool. It was a plan.

Peter couldn't help but look back at her over his shoulder, just to make sure she was still there. The girl was sitting in her place, still paying full attention to her book. God, she could read. Peter had never seen anyone else before, who could lose themselves this much in a book.

"Good morning everyone!" he heard and quickly turned forward again. His new instructor had just arrived, and the class had started.

He chose this course because of the instructor actually. He heard he was great at his field. A great weirdo. Well, pretty much all the great brains belonged to weirdos when it came to science. But what he heard seemed to be all true, he could realize that much very early on in the class. The guy was probably in his mid-twenties, and Peter was quite sure, he had never stopped. He started the class without any kind of warming up, presumably right where he left off a week ago, in the minute, he entered the room. He knew the answers to any question he was asked, and it was clear that he loved his subject, and had a very deep knowledge of it. He was talking and acting a bit weird, but his teaching skills were pretty good too. Twenty minutes in, Peter was sure, he made a perfect decision when he swapped to this course. Not to mention that the girl was there too.

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