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Hello there!

So: before we start I have a couple of things to say. Bear with me, it won't be long. But actually, if you are not interested you can just skip it altogether, too – it won't affect the story.

First of all: this is a work in progress. I didn't really intend to release it before it was finished, but there is going to be a chapter in it about Christmas and another one about New Year's Eve, and I wanna time the release of those with the real-life holidays. So basically that's why I will start releasing the first, already-written chapters this week, so I won't be late. I know, it's absolutely unnecessary; most of you will read this story way later than it's published, but I still wanna do it. (Well, this didn't really work out at the end, did it?)

Now here comes part two, because I do love my creative freedom, and this means, that there might be a time where I will have to go back, to already-released chapters to rewrite some parts. I'm not thinking about anything mayor, but it could absolutely happen to smaller things, so my apologies in advance. If I do something like that, I will, of course, tell you about it, so you won't just completely miss the thing, especially if it's something important – but, as I said, it most likely won't be.

Moving on, this is actually my biggest writing project so far, so I'm really excited about it. I love writing it, I have most of the things planned out already, and this is very new for me because previously I was mostly (only) writing one-shots, and this is all so great. Not gonna lie, I'm a little amazed by myself. I didn't know I can stick with one story for more than 2000-4000 words...

However, I'm a freshman at college, and studying absolutely comes first (yes, I know how that sounds – go on, judge me) so I'm not sure how long will I drag this out. The first six-seven chapters I have planned out (as I've said) and those add up for a self-contained story, a story which I really wanna write, but I have many more ideas for continuations, so... We will see about those. I'm not promising anything.

Lastly, some technicalities: my mother language is not English, and if it's yours, you probably guessed that already. I would say my English is fairly good, but it could also be way, way better, so apologies to those whose is way, way better. There will be grammar mistakes.

The title of this story is also a work in progress. I love good, funny titles, but I just couldn't come up with any for this story, so I decided to leave this work-in-progress-one there. I might change it later, but now I'm actually thinking I'm gonna stick with it for good. It kinda grew on me.

The cover art is absolutely not mine, I can't draw at all. Really, the best car I can sketch literally looks like the Tesla Cybertruck. Anyway, I've found the picture here ( and if I will have time I will even ask the artist if I can use their work on this book. I know, I'm a saint.

Now I think that was it all. I really hope you will enjoy this story, but what I know is that I do for sure, and that's what really matters when you are writing, isn't it?

Have fun!


2019-12-20: All right, little update, already: The title has been changed from 'Untitled College Spideychelle Story' to 'Freshmen are still teenagers'. As much as I love the dumb simpleness of the old one, I think this new one suits the story's idea better.

2020-01-08: Okay, I changed up the second half of Chapter 5: AcaDec Adventures a little bit. Nothing major as I promised, the outcome is still the same. It's mostly a rewrite of MJ's lines. It felt like she acted a bit out of character there, but now I'm much more pleased with her. Also, I'm still thinking about the title. I just don't seem to be able to settle on that one.

2020-01-24: All right, I changed the title again. It's 'The Creator And The Campaigner' now. Try and figure out what that refers to y'all. I don't think it's the final title though... It's kinda ridiculous how this is the thing that gives me the most headache about the whole story, isn't it? I hope I'm not confusing you with these changes, and sorry if I do. Anyway, I think I will just know when the right one clicks in, you know? Until then, The Creator And The Campaigner it is.

2020-01-24: Okay, I gave a lot of thoughts to it, and now I got it for sure! The title of this story is 'Parker And Jones Are Big Bois' for good. It kinda tells you what this work is about, but even I don't really know what it actually means. Also, it's not too serious and it sounds good, so yeah... I think I finally found the title I love.

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