Part one

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(The song above just reminds me of Underfell xD)
No ones P.O.V
Edge felt a buzz from his phone in his back pocket. He pulls out his phone and sees that Swap had texted him.

Edges P.O.V
🥕❤Ashtray🥕❤: heyyyy edgeloooorrddd
Me: Of all the times you could have texted me it had to be now
🥕❤Ashtray🥕❤: yup! Blue was wondering if he could come over today to see Fell
Me: He could have just texted me from his phone
🥕❤Ashtray🥕❤: his phone died
Me: Just get your asses over here
🥕❤Ashtray🥕❤: will do Edglord
I turn off my phone and put it back in my pocket and start to clean up after myself after I had made some lasagna. I heard a knock at the door and said to myself "How the hell do they get here that fast". I walk over to the door and open it.           
"HI EDGE" Blueberry says enthusiastically.
"Hello Blueberry how are you?"
"Well get inside you dumbdumds"
Blueberry opened his mouth to protest at the nickname but stoped and walked inside. Swap goes over to the couch and sits down with his hood over his face.
Swaps P.O.V
I felt a weight on my lap and uncovered my face and look to see who it was. It was Edge, no surprise there.
"So you come over to my house and you don't even say hi to me?" He says pretending to be hurt?
"I said hi to you on the phone"
"I know you are but what am I" I say being annoying.
I smile at my victory and he gets off of me to go to the kitchen with Blue. I walk into the kitchen to.
"DO YOU KNOW WERE FELL IS EDGE?" Blueberry asks.
"Knowing him he's probably in his room sleeping." Edge replies with a stone of annoyance
"OKAT THANKS EDGE!" Blue says running out of the kitchen upstairs.
Edge turns around and gives me this look of evil. He swiftly runs at me and tackles me to the ground.
"Ouch" I say hitting the ground. He kisses me briefly and says "Did that landing hurt?"
"Yes it did" I say blandly.
"Good that's for not saying hi to me" he says smiling. I roll my eyes and smile. He kisses me a little longer this time when we heard a gasp from behind us...

So who do you think walked in on them UwU. I hope your enjoying the story so far and I'll try to get the next part out soon

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