mocks :3

36 2 8

it was mock week.

all the girls were at home, using the remainder of their sunday evening to study for the hectic week of exams.

jess doodled aimlessly across her notebook:

♡ jess x fiona ♡

shenel has just finished her 7th recap of physics paper 2, eventho they were only sitting paper 1 exams. zareena has just begun her revision after procrastinating, while suzanna just revised geography and simultaneous equations cause that's the only things she likes.

and sarah wrote fanfic ecks dee.

next thing they knew, it was monday morning. today was english lang p1. as they all walked into the hall before their exam, mr mackswell swaggered across the stage, droning on abt whatever was gunna be on the paper. he almost stacked like five times.

n e ways they made their way into the hall called by candidate number because the government loves you xx. sarah sauntered into the exam hall, showing off to mr neville. up ahead she saw her seat number. suddenly, her eye was drawn to a distracting glint of a grin and she met eyes with jess. BRUH she almost screamed no cap. after trying so hard not to laugh that she popped a vein, she sat down.

meanwhile, suzanna had walked down the wrong aisle for the second time and forgot where she sat. after five minutes of explaining to mr neville she finally got to her seat #epicgamer.

"lets call it 10 past, ok girls and gays you may start your paper" mr neville said rounding the time up by like 100. after a hectic hour or so of scribbling bulshit they were dismissed from the hall, sarahs shoes quacking all the way.

"nah bruh that test was bare easy fam" shenel said, sitting in the lunch hall. suddenly mr geurmarche appeared. he was shebels number 1 supporter.

"oh shenel did you say that the test was about bears? i DIDNT know you shared my passion of bears-"

shenel fucking roundhouse kicked him for being a nonce. "bet you didn't expect that" she said looming over him for the first time ever cause she like four foot.

suddenly lil uzi vert walked in while blasting his hit song fustal shuffle. "yo sing this shit are you fucking dumb" he screamed into his mic at mr geurmarche on the floor. mr goormarche didn't hear cause he has aspergillus niger growing in his FUCKINH ear yum.

zareena suddenly shouted stfu and lil uzi left and mr mackswell started crying cause he thought she was talking to him.

suzanna grabbed the mic neglected by lil uzi vert and started spitting bars. "double knot on my yeezy yuhyuhyuh" however she was booed off of the stage by ms foster herself. now that's an L if i've ever seen one.

that afternoon all the dummies had to sit their geography exams so the big brains jess, sarah and zareena all bunked to smoke weed i mean study. after successfully completing the extreme and difficult task of escaping school by pressing the green button and opening the gate, the trio looked at each other.

"ayo what should we do" zareena said.
"um i say we-"

jess was cut off by the sound of shouts from the staff room over the fence. the recognisable voice of ms costa coffee could be heard, "MR MACKSWELL SOMEONE WROTE A FANFIC ABT YOU"

all three girls looked at each other 👁👄👁 and fucking ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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