1. Beginning together

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"Ochako." Said my mother calling to me. I walked up to my mother and she was putting her shoes on. "We're going to go to Mitsuki house." Said my mother as she clapped her hands in excitement. I then tilted my head in confusion. "Mitswuchi?" I Said as I was confused to who Mitsuki was. "Oh! We're going to Katsuki's house." Said your mother. I jumped in joy and tried to put my shoes on as well but I was to little but at least I tried. As my mother helped me we waved my father goodbye and we began walking, since Katsuki's house was only 3 houses down. Once we were there my mother knocked on the door and Mitsuki opened it up after 10 seconds.  "Oh hey guys!" Said Mitsuki as she gave us Both a big smile.  I smiled back but i was waiting for Katsuki.  "Come in guys, Mitsuru just made some cookies." Said Mitsuki as she closes the door behind us.

As my mother and Katsuki's mother talks Mitsuru called for Katsuki and offered me a cookie. "Hey Ochako would you like a cookie?" Said Mitsuki holding a cookie. "I held my hands to my chest and  nodded my head. "No need to be shy here, you can have this one." Said Mitsuru with a big smile. I took the cookie and began to nibble on it. "Oi, w-ound pace." Said Katsuki as he waved his hand Towards himself. I then said my thanks to Mitsuru and I went off with Katsuki.

As Katsuki was playing a DS I just watched him from the side as his tv in the room was playing as well. Katsuki then took a bite out of the cookie I was eating and I tried to give it to him but he turned his head away and began to say no. I then tried once more to give it to him but then he hit it out of my hand and it broke into a few pieces but I wasn't going to cry about it. I then got up and scooped it on my hand and as I exited the room Katsuki followed and I threw it in the trash. I then grabbed part of Mitsuru's pants and I got his attention . "Hey there  Ochako what's wrong?" Asked Mitsuru.  "Cootie?" I said as I hand my hand out. "Oh did your cookie break?" Asked Mitsuru giving me another cookie. I nodded and said my thanks and then Mitsuru asked Katsuki if he wanted a cookie but he just shook his head and ate my cookie. "Sorry Ochako want another piece?" Asked Mitsuru. I shook my head and smiled at Mitsuru. "Tank chu." I Said as I walked back to Katsuki's room and Katsuki stuck his tongue out at his dad and walked with me. 

We then were placed on our spots again like before and then we both drifted off to sleep.

... my mom said there are bad people in the world and I believed her, so clearly that it almost scared me to death...

I woke up and with a scream and several tears, I felt hurt so violated it was horrific to just...........

Sh...sh....sh... "never tell." "They won't believe you." "Never."

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