2. Important

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Time skip into high school

I began to get dressed as I got out of the shower this morning and I got a text on my phone and once I checked I smiled. It was from Katsuki Bakugo.


Hey I'm already out so hurry the hell up!!!

I then hurried as I combed my brown hair and ran my hands through it and put on my shoes so I can hurry up and meet Katsuki. I rushed out of my room and as my parents waved me goodbye I ran at my hardest til I saw Katsuki. I was huffing and puffing by the time I got there. "God, can't you at least look presentable." Said katsuki as he fixed my tie and buttoned up my shirt. "Your an embarrassing mess." Said katsuki as he ran his hands through his hair. I rubbed the back of my head letting him know I was sorry. "We're Gunna be early so in the mean time you can go to your shitty friends." Said Katsuki. He knew how I got when he called my friends shitty or any name in the book. I then hit his elbow in a way to which he knew and he chuckled harshly at me.

We then made our way to U.A. and as Katsuki said we were early. "Go off with your damn friends, round face." Said Katsuki as he went a different direction as me. "I guess that tells me on how important I am to him." I say in my mind wishing I could tell him. I then nod and walk over to Izuku, Mina and some other people in my group. They waved to me and I gave them a welcoming smile. "They treat me so well. I wish they could .... no! They Won't believe me." I say quickly stoping my self.  They talked to what felt like only seconds before the bell had rung. We quickly had to make it to our assigned seats. Bakugo and I went to our classes since we were the only two who actually got the highest grades. The teachers also prefer us being together at all times because of " my situation."

"Alright take your seats class , today we will be starting on—" I took my pink note book out and was going to take notes but I forgot it, the only thing to write with a pencil or pen. I then tugged on Katsuki's shirt and he already knew the look on my face. "Forgot another pencil again!" Said Katsuki "it's not my job to give you pens dip shit." Said katsuki giving you another pencil. "It's not my job to retrieve my pens and pencils either." I Said in my head I then write down the notes as Katsuki watched me as my pencil went all over the page making annotations. Then the bell rung and everybody got up and when they left Katsuki asked me a question he's asked since I was 3.

"Why won't you talk to me? Am I not that important to you." Said Katsuki packing up. "Only if you knew,I'm good as dead to you any way right?" I spoke in my head once more. I shook my head and smiled at Katsuki. "Who am I kidding I'm talking to the dumb ass who won't talk." Yes it does hurt but all he's doing is telling the truth. I packed my bag and walked to the exit with nothing more than sadness. "Hey are you listening!?" Said katsuki as he spun me around to only see the view of my crying face. He stood in silence as the birds still chirping and the sun beating on the windows. I ran away to the nearest tree out of the school grounds and sat there to relieve my hurting insides. It's been 30 min. But nothing more. Katsuki hasn't come to get me like the rest of the times that I've ran off. After that crying I then came back to the grounds and I saw Katsuki, he was leaning on the frame of the gate and he looked mad. Though I couldn't have cared less.

"I missed a class because of you." Said Katsuki rudely. "You should have went, what's stoping you pineapple hair?" "Since we missed another day of school let's go some where other than school , it's stupid and meant for nerds." Said katsuki as he huffed and puffed as he grabbed your bag and carried it. I don't think he knows but he is nice and kind. "So let's go to my house, my mom is probably still cooking so hurry your ass up." Said Katsuki as he wiped your tear with his free hand. I held his hand as he wiped my tear. "Tchhhh!, stop someone will see weird shit." Said Katsuki as he moved his hand away. He knows how I feel about his contact so I know he did that on purpose. "Like it will make a difference, i'm Sure being seen with a freak won't wreck your reputation." As we walked over to Katsukis house he opened the door and walked straight in then took off his shoes as well as I.

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