3. Love

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The more I ran the harder it was to catch my breath and ahead of me were 3 tall men that looked my age ,they looked no good. I stood dead in my tracks to see the guys push up more towards me as their confidence boosted over board. "Hey there little lady, you know it's never good to walk all-ll alone." Said a brown haired guy. "Yeah but if you come with us we can make you feel way better than who your running from." Said a blond groping himself. I was terrified and there was also a black haired guy that was just eyeing me all over. I then began to back up and run in a different direction.

"Hey, no need to be frightened? We just really wanna get to know ya." Said the blond as he grabbed your arm. I made noises here that obviously meant I don't want any part in what these men want. Tears began flowing like a river from my face. "Katsuki , please help me." I yell aloud In my head. The men then pushed me to the floor and I was scraped. "Here let me help you." Said the brown haired guy as he poured a drink on me. It smells just like alcohol, and it was burning my nose. As they did so I began wincing in pain, knowing that no one was going to save me. I then began crying out Katsuki's name so loud in my mind I couldn't control myself anymore. Then with a flash Katsuki used his quirks to hit the guys while defending me as I laid helplessly on the floor.

Moments later Katsuki laid my head on his lap and began to speak in a worried tone, that was something I've never herd him speak in. "Ochako! Ochako! Are you okay, what did these dumb bitches do to you!" Yelled Katsuki as he held you. My eyes shifted shut but I could still hear him. I didn't feel anything either, it was just all so blank. Then it was like my body shut down, I could no longer hear ,feel or breath.

The hours felt like only moments and after some time my eyes were wide open to once again see the world at full sight. Katsuki was there talking to his dad and mom as I laid on his bed with a hot towel on my head. Soon all I heard was Katsuki. "We should take her to the hospital it's probably the only good thing to do right now." Said Mitsuru as he spoke to Katsuki calmly. "Like hell i'm leaving her! Especially at this damn time god damn it!" Yelled Katsuki. "Katsuki please calm down, we are just doing what's best for her, and her parents might get worried if she isn't home." Said Mitsuki. "I don't care you are not going to take her away!" Yelled Katsuki.

My heart was so warmed by his kindness but I felt so weak and frail I might just break if someone touches me. "I'm sorry Katsuki but I'm doing what a parent would do." Said Mitsuki as she dialed 911. Mitsuki then walked into another room but Katsuki kept grabbing his hair in anger and annoyance. Katsuki rushed to my weak frail body to only see my eyes cracked open. "I'm sorry." Was all I've heard from him and it was the first time I've ever heard him say that.

Soon an ambulance was rushed to Mitsuki's house and all hell broke loose. "No stop let go of me, she fucking needs me! We've been together our whole life! You can't do this!" Yelled Katsuki as Mitsuki was running with you as they rushed you out in a bed they put you on. They then gave me an oxygen mask and that's when I couldn't remember anything anymore.



"Don't worry, I know where you are, what you do and what you look like. I'll catch and get you very soon.".....

When I woke up I literally jumped up and started to hyperventilate as my eyes were open and all I saw were people in the hospital room with me. I jumped up when I felt Katsuki hug me and was, crying? I felt a sense of joy and safety over me as I felt his muscles wrap around me. "Mr. Bakugo, I need you to please leave the girl alone. She still needs to recover." Said the doctor firmly. "Like hell I'll leave her!" Said Katsuki. "I think I'm useless and so lifeless with you. Like I'm in the way." I spoke in my mind. "She's way important to me than anything in this fucking world!!" Yelled Katsuki at the doctor. My face immediately lit up and was surprised at the words that came out of Katsuki's mouth. I don't really think that's really Bakugo.

I tugged on Katsuki's shirt and hugged him back. As I did so I looked at the doctor with begging eyes that told him, "please let him." The doctor sighed and spoke again. "I'll give you some time but I'll be back." Said the doctor . Katsuki nodded and looked straight at you. "What the hell is wrong with you! You could have been killed dumb ass." Said Katsuki sniffling. "Katsuki that's enough!" Said Mitsuki as she was folding her arms but looked softly toward me. I tried to move over to Mitsuki but she rushed to my aid and held me as I looked at her and begin to cry. "I'm so so sorry!" I yelled in my head hoping she could hear. "It's okay...Ochako you're okay. Your parents are here, would you like them to step in?" Said Mitsuki as she moved me on the bed again. I nodded and she went to get my parents, but Katsuki stayed by my side.

"Oh my girl! Are you okay! Did I Something happened?" Said my mother as she ran in kissing my face and hugging me. "I'm just so glad your okay." My father said as he joined in the hug. After a moment Katsuki was whipping his nose and eyes and fell in his sorrow. It was unbelievable to see him like that, it was just killing me. I then moved over and I grabbed onto Katsuki and I began crying with him. Katsuki hugged me and hugged me tightly.

As we drowned in our sorrow the doctor came in and asked me to speak but I refused to. He constantly kept making me try to talk until Katsuki butted in. "If she doesn't want to talk then she doesn't have to talk!" Said Katsuki as he stood by me. "Thank you." I whispered in my mind . "I need to make sure she can speak so her vocals aren't injured." Said the doctor firmly. Katsuki's was getting aggravated, he knew I didn't talk and I have nothing of the thought for talking. "So I need the tools nurse." Said the Doctor as he sent the nurse to get vocal tools. I began to get scared, I...don't think I can.....I'm scared. I was hyperventilating and was so scared.

"You will not get fucking anything from her, she's mute dumb ass!" Yelled Katsuki as he held a hand in front of him while small little cracks came from his hand. It was his quirk once again. I tugged on his shirt and he knew I was getting mildly scared for myself, so he spoke again. "She's also has me so anything you want, you'll have to get fucking pass me!" Said katsuki. As he got every more likely passing aggravation. The doctor then turned to my parents and Katsuki's parents in the room and began to speak. "I can recommend a doctor or a therapist or etc. for your child to start talking again if you'd like." Said the doctor but he spoke more things but I couldn't hear because he was whispering the entire time. After calming down I then looked at Katsuki and I lifted an eye brow and smirked. "Damn you, you did this on purpose." Said Katsuki. But I shook my head and hugged him. He then backed away and refused the hug. Then he walked away , out of the room. "Did he think i created this scenario? That I think this is some kind of game? I thought it was the perfect moment to be silly..."

I was left to only be alone.....like how he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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