Chapter 1

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Dead grass. Withering trees.

He was definitely at the right place. It matched the images that he saw before heading on his way. The place he's being wanting to visit for a long time. Although he wasn't staying for very long. He had a whole world to see.

He took a couple of steps inside the town's borders. He could've sworn he felt something wrap around him, like someone had constrained him in a tight hug, preventing him from moving. But he only felt it for a moment before the sensation dissipated.

The town seemed barren. Not even the sound of an animal was heard. The chatter heard in his town was not heard here either. Nothing like his own town.

He decided to look around for a moment. He noticed the infamous castle in the distance, now partially in ruins due to the low maintenance. Several houses, all with splintering wood, lined up in a straight line. They all looked similar, with only small variations between each home.

He walked through this part of town and saw raised garden beds with a small variety of crops. One that caught his attention was a herb grown widely around the world. It's aroma brought him closer to the garden beds as he discovered where it grew. This herb made him feel nostalgic of home, which he left behind to go explore.

'Who might you be, sir?' A female voice asked from behind him. He jumped as he heard her voice before proceeding to turn around.

'Christopher Wilkinson,' he answered, 'at your service. Would you kindly show me to the nearest inn?'

'Inn?' She questioned. 'I do not think we have one of those here.'

'Would you happen to know if there is any other place that I can stay for a few nights?'

She hesitated before answering. 'Wait here.'

He watched as she walked to a nearby house, noticing her constantly looking back at Christopher.

As soon as she closed the door she ran straight to her mother. She was a little sceptical of this man. She felt as though she couldn't trust him one-hundred percent, like he was here for something.

'That was quick, Anastasia.' Her mother commented.

'There's a strange man outside.'

'I'm sure it's just one of the neighbours. Probably from the other side of town.'

'I think he's a visitor from outside.'

Her mother stopped cutting and faced Anastasia. 'A visitor? No one dares to come here. He must not know about it. Did you tell him?'

'No, I haven't.' She hesitated asking, 'would there be any place he could stay?'

'He can stay with us until we can find a more suitable arrangement.'

Anastasia took her time to walk back outside. She was happy that there was a visitor to Cinderash, the first in a long time, but also felt worried about telling him that he can't leave.

'Christopher,' she began. He turned to face her. 'You can stay with us for the time being. Follow me.'

She didn't tell him about Cinderash as she didn't want to make him worried, also Anastasia was not comfortable to tell him since she didn't really speak to anyone but her family. Just having this conversation made her feel uncomfortable. She would only speak up if she was angry with something or was attempting to prove a point.

Anastasia showed him to the room he would be staying in during his visit here. She couldn't help studying him. His tanned face was covered with sweat and dirt, most likely from his journey here. His clothes were also filled with dirt as well. He carried a large bag and a belt that held lots of things which she couldn't work out. She couldn't stop looking at him. He was unusual to her. She kept asking herself questions, where is he from? What does he do? Why is he here?

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