Chapter 11

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Anastasia first went to consult her family, dragging Christopher along with her. Luckily, they were all gathering there today as it had been postponed due to Skobex. She called them all around the table to discuss Christopher's offer. When she finished, the room was filled with nothing but silence.

'What about your role as leader?' Nathaniel asked.

'When would we see you?' Charlotte, the second eldest sister, asked.

'I'll sort something out, for both problems.'

Anastasia looked straight at her mother. She wanted her opinion more than everyone else's.

'Does he make you happy?' Her mother finally asked. 'I mean, you didn't exactly see eye-to-eye with him when he first arrived. I want to make sure.'

'Yes!' She replied. She'd never been so sure of everything in her life, she didn't even hesitate in her decision. She paused and glanced at Christopher before adding, 'but we'll have to make sure.'

That's when the stunned silence turned into chatter.

'It looks like your own Prince has come to sweep you off your feet.' Tamara said, catching both Anastasia and Christopher by surprise. Both of their cheeks were turning a light shade of red. Anastasia's heart rate seemed to increase when she thought of Christopher and her sister's comment.

'So, I can go?' Anastasia asked hesitantly.

Her mother stood up and squeezed her in a hug. 'He makes you happy so I'd say go for it.'

Everyone cheered before her brother commented, 'You would be the first one in all of Cinderash to finally leave after all these years.' He looked at Christopher and then back at Anastasia. 'Sorry, the second to leave.'

'There's someone else that I need to ask first.'

She knocked on the door of the previous leader's house, Maynard. Christopher had been left behind with Anastasia's family, answering some of their questions. She hoped that they didn't overwhelm him with too many questions.

'Hi, leader!' Abel exclaimed as he opened the door. He was quite cheery for someone who had been possessed by the Lich only days before.

'You don't need to give me that title, Abel.' Anastasia explained. 'Anastasia will do. I need to speak with your father.'

'You got it, I'll grab him for you. Come in.'

She had only been in Maynard's house a couple of times. It was a similar layout to her own home however it was one of the largest in the neighbourhood. It was larger than the rest of the homes since his family always seemed to have a role as leader. There is a rumour around town that proclaims that Maynard and his family are either descendants or closely related to the royal family that lived here. She believed it could be true but no one would know unless Maynard came out and told everyone.

'Ah, Anastasia Valenza, our new leader.' Maynard introduced. 'How may I help you?'

'I want your opinion on an offer I received.'

'Offer?' He questioned.

'Christopher wants me to go explore the world with him.'

'What if the curse is still in place?'

'The curse has been lifted from Cinderash.'

'Christopher wasn't here for very long,' Maynard explained. 'It's possible that he could pass the borders due to not being under the effect of the curse for very long. Everyone else has been stuck here their whole lives. It's possible that the curse may still be in effect on us.'

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