Chapter 19: Politico

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On board the Krayt Fang enroute to Trellik Hive:

Although Madlyn enjoyed wearing pretty things from time to time, she preferred the convenience of more practical wear. It had been nice dressing up in a garment from her home planet, but she doubted it would hold up the next time they were in a firefight or if she had to do anything more than stand up straight.

Fully changed, and leaving the getup hanging in her room, Madlyn headed to the cockpit. She took over piloting allowing Gare to prepare for the landing. Doing some routine navigation checks, Maddy was astounded at the difference in how the Krayt Fang handled, in both the take-off and in-atmosphere flight. Tersen and B'ura's people deserved high praise for the repair work. Now every time she banked or accelerated it didn't feel like the craft was about to fall apart. The patched hull still worried her though. Despite Tersen's assurance that it was solid and airtight, Madlyn felt like they were a combat maneuver away from shearing off whole sections of plating. As much as she enjoyed flying the classic Corellian craft, Madlyn would be happier flying something with more style and at least a few years younger than her great-grandmother.

Just as they neared their destination Madlyn was joined in the cockpit by the rest of the crew. Slick took the co-pilots seat after planting an affectionate kiss on her cheek. "What a softy," she thought with a smile. Over the last few days, the couple had spent more time together than half of the previous years. She'd thoroughly enjoyed those private moments spent together on Ryloth. Madlyn especially liked the "date" back at Gogum Hive. Even if it had been work-related they'd still been able to laugh and flirt and generally have a good time.

Next Tersen and Era took the other two crew seats behind her. It was almost strange seeing the archeologist back in her work attire after wearing such a feminine dress. Madlyn was pretty and had turned her fair share of heads at the party, as had Slick she was proud to admit, but Era was gorgeous. She wasn't sure how Jarek had kept his hands off her, but by the looks he'd been surreptitiously casting her way, it wasn't due to a lack of attraction. Even Gare had picked up on the chemistry between the two.

The Gank and Mandalorian in question stood at the back of the cockpit. Gare wore his yellow, combat-scarred armor along with his rifle and pistol. Jarek looked much more himself in his own armor, though Madlyn believed it needed a new paint job. They'd all had some bumps and bruises throughout their time together, but Jarek seemed to have taken the brunt of the punishment.

The Alderanni still wasn't sure how he was even still on his feet. After multiple firefights, a crashed speeder, falling down a cliff, brawling with a fragging Trandosian, and a whole bar of sentients he should've been laid out in the med-bay. She would've given partial credit to the armor, but Madlyn knew it was also due in part to his stubborn determination and loyalty to the crew.

Madlyn understood being hunted and would've understood if Jarek had jumped at the chance to leave back on Tatooine, but he hadn't. Jarek could've left her and Slick at Mos Shuuta and made a clean getaway from whoever was chasing him, but he hadn't. He'd chosen to save her as much from herself as from Teemo's wrath. They worked several jobs together over the last couple of years. They'd drank, laughed, and fought as a team. It didn't t seem right to abandon him. She wasn't sure what or who he was running from, but she'd be damned if he'd face it alone. Madlyn owed him that much.


Like Piddock's hive, Trellik was a massive stalagmite of red stone grown directly out of the earth. Just like Gogum the spaceport was made of off-world materials and was erected to accommodate other visiting sentients ships. Drones and warriors flittered about moving equipment and supplies. On a nearby gantry, Jarek could just make out the twin-engine silhouette of a Nova Courier class freighter. The Lucky Guess, he deduced, which meant the Vio siblings had yet to sober up and leave for Mos Shuuta.

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