The Accident

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Hey I'm sorry it's taken me so long but I finnaly figured out where I wanna go next for this next chapter hold onto ur seats babes it's gonna be a long ride


It had been about 6 months since lucy told me she was pregnant and she was starting to show more and more

Short Time skip

All I felt was Limbs over my legs and chest i open my eyes to see Lucy and her little baby bump she was 32 weeks pregnant and looking as beautiful as ever surprised to not be woken up by 3 kids I remembered I'd left the kids with mira and erza for a few nights so I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake lucy up as I get up she spreads out and all I can do is smile I go to the bathroom to clean up and damn did she do some damage to me hickyes all over my neck down my chest I turn to look at my back and it looks like I got into a fight with happy and he'd clawed me up good I chuckle a bit and jump in the shower bath whatever Lucy called it I was in there for only like 5 min when I heard the door open Lucy came rushing in and threw up everywhere but the toilet I moved to get out of the shower when she pushed me back "wait please I can clean this up" she seemed serious and I wasn't having that so I got out anyways scooped her up got her out of her dirty cloths and put her in the bath I cleaned up the mess and made sure she was ok.


The bath water was so nice and warm I was watching  natsu clean and some how dosed off


I must of been knocked down because I woke up on the ground I got up to see natsu fighting zeref and zeref was winning I summoned two off my most powerful celestial spirits and was out to battle with zeref natsu was pulling out moves I'd never seen before and my spirits were battling with all there might when it happened I was hit with one of zerefs dark spells and everything went black I could hear natsu screaming my name faintly when everything stopped


Lucy went down and panic ran through me I screamed her name as she went down and she was lip and not moving an uncontrollable rage filled me and i screamed tears rolling down my face I turned to zeref and I was starting to change I was growing wings and scales and claws and a power I'd never felt before formed and i beat the absolute shit out of him he was limp and twitching on the ground after I'd finished with him i calmed down and went back to my original state I rushed to Lucy scooped her up and went stright back to magnolia where she was treated she was unconscious for 2 weeks before we heard anything from the doctor that was good news "she's awake" he said and I was already there she looked at me with confusion  "who are u? " I looked at her in shock she didn't remember me how could she forget me I was shocked I couldn't think straight I jumped out the window when all of a sudden I heard a loud thud from Lucy's room I jumped straight back up there and found her on the floor with blood trickling down head she was on her stomach and some sort of liquid was dripping from her lady parts



I screamed and woke up on my bed "wow that was some dream" natsu must of got me out of the tub and put me to bed I got up walked to the toilet and finished my business I walked back to my bed and found natsu passed out on the bed I smiled at him warmly and went to make myself sothing to eat I rubbed my belly thinking about the dream I just had and worried a bit but reassured myself that I was going to be OK I got my meal went to my fire place and sat in front of it eating and thinking i felt sick worming it's way up my throat  and rushed to the toilet and empty what I had left In my gut I groaned and got up "why dose it always happen when I'm trying to eat? " I rubbed my belly in frustration this little human I'm growing in my belly is gonna kill me I grumbled and went out to get some yummy things from the store I got there and saw so many things I grabbed as much as I could afford and headed back on my way to my place I had a feeling I was being watched but shrugged it off as just a feeling when all of a sudden I felt someone behind me and before I could even react I was knocked in the back of the head and I was out

Time skip

I woke up tied to a table I had no idea what was going on or where I was I tried to talk but I was gagged my hands were strapped and so were my legs and my stomach I started shaking oh my god the the baby I thought in my head the I heard a slight thud come from the door way and standing there was my ex boyfriend smirking at me "why hello there beautiful u haven't changed a bit" Andrew said in a wicked voice as he walked around the table tracing my body with his fingers I grunted in disgust how dare he do this to me does he not know who my husband is I tried to talk to scream anything to get him to take this gag off me and eventually it worked he pulled it out of my mouth and I growled at him "WHAT IN THE HELL DO U THINK UR DOING ANDREW LET ME GO THIS INSTANT!!" I was pissed
He just looked at me amused "why did we ever break up baby girl I've missed u soo much" he went to kiss me and I turned my head "BECAUSE UR FUCKING ABUSIVE AND POSSESIVE AND U RAPED ME MULTIPLE TIMES BC I SAID NO TO U!!" he slapped me right in the face then kissed my cheek "aww baby girl you know I didn't mean it" I was soo pissed I could explode "DON'T CALL ME BABY GIRL YOU ASSHOLE! I'm married now and I love natsu and u can't change that!" this only pissed him off more he punched me in the face and then in the gut and I cried "please no Andrew I'm pregnant please anywhere but there" I said whimpering he was just getting angrier and angrier he kept punching me in the gut and I felt something running down my thighs I cried harder that's when the hole place went up in raging hot flames it was natsu he must of heard me thank god I was so happy to see him but he was as mad as a raging bull at this very moment and Andrew was running for his life but he didn't make it far "HOW DARE U LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON LUCY MY FUCKING WIFE YOUR A DEAD MAN" and for the first time in my life I witnessed natsu kill a man he disintegrated my ex with 2 of his famous fire dragon slayer roar and that was the end  of that but by the time he turned around to get me I had blood all over my dress below my hips and I was out nastu scooped me up and we were straight to the hospital and just when I thought the night wasn't gonna get worse the doctor came in a gave me the worst news I'd ever heard in my life...




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