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My always chatter box Bhargav was sitting silently playing something over phone. From side eye i could see that there were some photos of girls.

I tried to look at his phone sneakingly. ''Its tinder ', he said. I froze at the thought of getting caught.

'' You create an account upload picture and then swipe right to the girl you like and swipe left to who you dont. If the girl swipes you right as well its a match so you can chat meet and hook up if you want.''
He said showing how to use tinder simulataenously. I shook my head and said '' Great . Anyways its useless for me''

''All study and no play makes Arav a dull boy'' he said shaking his hips as though he was fucking somone.

I took my books and started leaving. I hated talking shitty talks .

'' I'm sorry Aaraaaaaaaaaav please listen. Don't you waaaant someeonee in your life to love you ? Understand you where you can tell her almost everything ? Why do you have to be always lonely ? '' he said catching my hand and pulling me towards him. '' You deserve to be loved Arav. I know im not a good friend I never cared much about what you think what you like but 2 years with you I realise that you never uttered a word to correct me, to tell me what hurts you, waht intrests you. Sometimes I worry so much about you machcha that why i keep talking to you just to see reactions transform on your face. I want you to know that i'm always there for you. You only have to speak out''. He said.

This was the first time I felt baggy loved me. Never had I ever received such words from someone in my entire life. I almost had an impulse to hug him and cry. But I couldnt. I dont know what to say .
''Thank You. '' I said and looked down. He took me in his bear hug. The smell of his sweat took me by shock.

''Did you bath Today '' I asked him. ''HAAAAAHAHHAHA '' he laughed. '' Its been a week '' he said.

''Fucccccccccccckkk '' I screamed and ran from him and it was one of those happy memories of my life.


On Reaching Home somewhere his word hit my heart. ''You deserve to be loved , 'You deserve to be loved 'You deserve to be loved 'You deserve to be loved 'You deserve to be loved 'You deserve to be loved 'You deserve to be loved '' it echoed.

I felt sleepless. It was 2 in the night and the weather outside raining. I could hear my brother playing Guitar and singing something.

Feeling bored and having nothing to do I peeped out of window. My sister jumped from her window into our lawn sneaking out of house. ''WTF'' I wanted to say but couldnt. I wanted to follow her and ask her where she is going or if she will be safe. But I guess we didnt have that bonding and intimacy to ask. Dejected by my thoughts I felt I really needed someone atleast an unknown friend with whom I could share things. ''I deserve to be loved'' i felt.

I opened my phone and created a Tinder account. I chosed a Profile picture where i looked like professional, neatly tucked and combed outside my college infront of noard which says ''Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur''.

I started swiping left and right and waited for 2 hours for response. Without any response after a long time and having no girls anymore to swipe i felt tired and I slept. At 3 in the night my phone buzzed and I woke up just to see a tinder notification.
There were 2 notifications which read- ITS A MATCH and 1 message from chat box.

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