7 Years Ago

8 2 0

7 Years ago  ………

I was sitting on my bed facing window. I was afraid that the smell of cigerette could invite unnecessary attention of my mom.

I was smoking cautiously. It was very hard for me to sneak the cigerettes in my house since my very emotional dramatic mother would make a scene in her kitty parties about me . My mom Simran was a social bee. She loved her kitty freinds and all melodramatic gossips. This was the one thing I hated the most about her. She shopped as though there’s no tommorow to flaunt her latest styles. Sometimes I would see the worrisome face of my dad upon being spent his hard earned money for somehting non productive but he never uttered a word against my mom .

My sister on the other hand was similar to my mom and was queen bee of her college.
Since childhood I ahd been a lone alone and a private person who never uttered a word until and unless it was required.

My little brother on other hand had curly weird hair and always played his electric guitar. He had a separate room on terrace where his friends would come and go every now and then. I always knew he was high on weed and wanted to confront him about that but i guess we never gelled well.

My siblings hand a greater bonding for each other for being too cool to handle.
And I on the other hand was a douche bag with a small Samsung tab who wrote weird stuff and kept to himself.

With my mother busy in kittis and my father busy with his Shops and my siblings being too much chill I never had anybody to understand me. I always wanted a private life but not a dark life where I had nobody to atleast care if im running with fever. I had no friends . Nobody ever knew what i liked not even my own mother and everyday this deep scar was hurting even more.

So let me introduce you this extra private species. I am Arav , Arav Bajaj Sharma.
My Dad Bajaj Amrit Sharma runs a bussiness of textiles. We have 4 shops in Nagpur all owned by my father. He also owns a textile Factory and most of his retail products are manufactured here. Now I guess you can understand why my mother is a high maintainence woman.

Baba thats what we call him in house is a very calculated business man. He never wasted money. Never purchased any shirt above 300 for himself. He looked simple like someone from common household and never spoke much. I guess I looked like him.
Hee always pampered my sister and brother. I got only few moments of love from him. He never cared to look at me. 

My sister Aara and brother Archin always trolled me for my fear of eggs. I never touched an egg in my entire life. I have ovophobia

The only friend I made was Bhargav Sai in college. He wasn't really a friend. I never included him in life. But when this fatsoe was bullied brutally no one gave a shit I made friends with him

I wish everyone had a friend like me. 

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