Marry Who?

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We got back to Inks house and Rosco ran right in side as everyone followed. The men started arguing and Mrs. Safeho was in the kitchen so I went and found her.
"Hey Mrs. Safeho. How are you?"
"I'm good, Sweetie. How are you?"
"Great there's a psycho out to find me and the men are arguing omg what imma do with my future." She laughs
"Oh hunny. They just wanna protect you. Now tell me more about this Psycho?" Mrs. Safeho
"My ex. He is a president of the Angels. But they are no angels. I met him a few years ago. And it was a full on roller coaster of love. It was quick romance for sure." I laugh and she smiles.
"He treated me like a queen. I grew up with my fathers sister. My aunt. Not that I would call her that. Her house was worse than foster care. Anyway. He treated perfect. Always surprised me with nice things. Bought me my first car. Anything I wanted. I never knew how he had money and never thought to ask him what he did. One day things got really bad at my aunts and I ran to him. I moved in with him and things all of a sudden turned upside down." I bitterly laughed and she frowned.
"What happened?" Mrs. Safeho
"He wouldn't let me leave the house and he didn't like any of my friends at the house. After a week. He started hitting me. After a month, all of a sudden he showed up with about 30 men, told me all about his business and that I was gonna start pleasing theses men or I'd not like the consequences."
"Oh my no one should go through that!" Mrs. Safeho
"That night he got super drunk and passed out before me leaving the keys on the rack in his jacket so I took it and ran. The next day in a town over I closed my bank account and took all the money out. I got a hotel room and called my social worker. She said that I had one cousin other than my aunt still alive but no one got back with her. She gave me the address and I found Tyler, my cousin, few days after."
"Oh my hunny. So he's been after you forever??" Mrs. Safeho.
"No about 6 months after he got sent to jail. He was supposed to have 20 years but they just let him out after 10 for good behavior...."
"What does he want after all this time?" Mrs. safeho
"He wants to marry me. So I can't ever get away again."
"Well he can't marry someone already married." Mrs. Safeho states as a matter of factly. And I laugh really hard.
"No one to marry ma'am."
"Leave that to me." I laugh at her saying this. Laughing so hard I fall on the floor. The men run in with the dog who licks my face making me laugh harder.
"What happened?" Tyler and Richard ask at the same time.
"Are you okay?" Ink states as I'm still laughing.
"Momma what did you do to the poor girl?" Blade asks.
"Oh nothing but y'all need to stop brainstorming. I have solved your problem right now. He's on his way over!" Mrs. Safeho states. I sober up.
"He's on his way?! Who is?" Ink asks confused.
"Y'alls brother. He's about an hour away." Mrs. Safeho
"How does this solve the problem momma." This time blade speaks as Tyler lights up.
"Can't marry someone already married!" Tyler exclaims! I laugh again
"Mom she doesn't even know Craig." Ink bits in.
"Well you won't give up your bachelor ways. And there's no way in hell Blade would marry so imma marry off my son." Mrs. Safeho.
"Is he nice? No hidden agendas?" I ask quietly.
"No no. He wants to settle down and have kids. That's all. He will treat you like a queen. Unlike these two dumbos." Mrs. Safeho
"Well it can't hurt to meet him." I state after awhile of thinking.
I watch Blade storm out pissed and look at Ink who just shakes his head.

I decide to go for a walk to the backyard. Rosco needs out and I need some air. Can I marry someone I don't know.? Will he turn into the same thing? As I'm outside I run into someone. Blade. He stares at me with this look of confusion.
"What's wrong?"
"Would you marry someone you don't know?" Blade
"I'd like to say no but it would really depend on the person. If I have a connection or not." He tilts his head
"Marry me." Blade
"What?" I ask dumbfounded.
"Marry me." Blade repeats
"Why? I mean no offense but i don't believe in divorce." I state quietly.
"That's good because I don't either." Blade.
"and I really don't believe in open marriage."
"I may have a reputation but don't just a book by its cover." Blade states looking hurt.
"The cover is all the book ever showed me and imma want kids. Are you ready for those?" I speak quietly.
"No one ever said I wasn't!" He belts out and stomps away. I made the beast mad again.

After a few minutes I turn around to head back in and I smash into Ink.

"Don't tell me you wanna marry me too!" I groan.
"Hell no. I like all my woman, but I think it's time I help you just talk. And give you advice when you need." Ink states and I laugh.
"Your mom is trying to set me up with you younger brother and your older brother thinks I should marry himself. What do I do oh smart one??" I laugh.
"Hey. Let's talk it though." Ink states
"Okay I guess ."
"Craig is great and mom is right he's ready to settle but what mom is too blind too is Blade it too Kat."
"Tell me about Craig."
"He is great. He's dads errand boy when Blade is busy, so unfortunately he's on the road a lot. Blade does the big runs but he told dad that it was over so I'm sure Craig's been to busy to visit. He was engaged one. She even was pregnant, but unfortunately she got into a car accident." Ink
"Okay. What did you mean by Blades ready too."
"Mom only See's the Blade that grew up at her house. She doesn't see the man he is today. Yes back in the day he was a manwhore. No way around that, but sense his run a few months ago. All he talks about is this girl in Kentucky. Something about on Tyler's bike. He hasn't been to the club unless I say to meet me there and even then he walks right up to the VIP area and doesn't invite any girls. Keeps helping out at the hospital too. Playing with the babies and little kids. It's kinda cute." Ink
"Yeah. Come on. That's where he's at now." Ink

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