Enjoying the clubhouse

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*Blades point of view*
They released her into my care and I was upset about this for sure.  How could she end up in the hospital already?

"Let's get outta here. I hear you have a meeting to get back to." She says giggling.
"I'm not letting you outta my sight."
"It was just my anxiety. Stop stressing. I didn't even have to come to the hospital." She sassed
"Well you did." I sassed back.
"Only because Ink didn't know how to handle it." She sassed.
" I don't care."
"Oh my. I'll just come with you!" She laughs
"You are not going to the clubhouse! That's final."
" I've been in my share of clubhouse. Calm down."
"Still no."

She won. We are pulling into the warehouse. I still don't like this. She's special. Not clubhouse crazy. This is gonna end bad. I see everyone is here. Ink must have put the word out. Party tonight. Damn. She's gonna flip.

We walk in the doors to the big lounge. Holy. This is worst than normal! I turn to Rose as she's walking into the crowd.
"Hey Ink!" Rose hollers across to the corner well ink has some girl bent over the table.
"Hiya Library." Ink laughs. She shakes her head and heads to the bar. I'm in awe. There's girls topless or in nothing walking around or doing deeds with men all over and she just ignores it all.
"Hello handsome." Bailey tries to pur.
"Bailey." I acknowledge as I head towards the table next to the bar. My favorite guys are there.
"Hey." I state.
"Sup boss?"
"What's library doing here?"
"Who's library?"
"Did we get a new slut?" I growled at that comment. Ink slams down in chair next to me.
"Library is Boss' fiance. Shes.... where did that girl hide?" Ink
"Shes not hiding. She behind the bar helping Ruby."
"Damn already trained as a bikes girl."
"How you find her?"
"Actually I found her!" Ink
"Thanks Ink." I laugh.
"So you completely settling?"
"He would never settle. Isnt that right baby?" Bailey asks trying to be seductive. Shes running her hands up and down my arm. Every once in awhile my chest. Knowing that's how I like it. I'm distracted until I hear
"Hiya boys. Ruby sent me over to bring drinks." Rose states.
"Library.!" Ink slurs.
That got my attention and I pushed Bailey away.
"I'm cutting you off for few hours ink. Have some water. Knuckles, your wife sent you Jack and coke. Rest of y'all captain and coke. Blade Budlight in bottle." She sets it down. Not even acknowledging Bailey or what was just happening.
"So not settling down. She wasn't even fased that Bailey was turning you."
"She doesn't need to concern herself with what him and I do. New girls not important." Bailey snaps.
I stand up and head to the bar.
"Where you not happy with the beer boss?" Ruby.
"Nah. The beer is fine. Wheres your helper?"
"Oh. What you want with her?" Ruby
"Shes mine." I growl.
"Doesnt seem like bailey knows that. Then again I don't even think she knows that."Ruby states laughing as we hear Rose.
"Yall shut up. Its shots time not girl talking time!" Rose shouts as they all down shots. She chases it with a beer as a bunch of my men laugh and start taking bets for pool. She slams another back with Rush.
"I'm down!" She laughs.
"Deal! 2 on 2. I get the little lady!" Rush shouts
"Library! Damn. I wanted you."
" Sorry boys. There's enough of me to go around. Pool is my game." She laughs. I sit at the bar watching Rush, Rose, Ink, and Dice. Shes laughing and enjoying. Ink and Dice both have the club whores on their arms and Rose is just laughing with them and Rush.

Two hours later and shes still with them. I'm pissed. All the guys have surrounded the damn pool table watching her bend over every shot. They all hooting and hollering. Rose has won every game. No matter who she is partners with.
I watch Rush lean in and whisper something to her. Rose laughs and shakes her head no. He runs his hand down her arm still whispering to her.
I growl and push my way to them.
I grab her arm and pull her to my office.
"What is your problem?" R
"They think your a piece of steak and don't get me started on Rush!" I growl.
"Well that's not a problem." Rose states as if it's nothing.
"It is a problem!"
"No because I don't date bikers." Rose laughs.
"Nothing on the front of your Engaged?" I growl.
"Well sense you had that girl on you. I figured you weren't wanting us exclusive. Besides. It's not suppose to be real remember. Doesnt change the fact I don't do bikers." She laughs.
"Bailey is just..."
"A club whore. I know. I'm not new to this world." R
"No I mean. Her and I...."
"Use to have sex. I'm not dumb." R
"But were....."
"Not exclusive. I understand. Why are we still talking." R
"Would you...." she walked out on me. God damn it. We are exclusive. Shes not allowed any man to touch her but me! I walk back to bar and watch her with Ink.
"What's wrong baby?" Bailey
"I'm not your Baby!" I growl. She asks for a drink as Rose walks up with Ink.
"Why the glum face baby?" Bailey asks putting her hand on my arm.
"I need a shot." Rose.
"You've had 13." Ink.
" I can handle my own."
"Yeah sluts can handle their liquor, ink." Bailey says as I push her hand off me.
"Yeah. Real bikers can unlike the whore who get to drunk to know who they are sleeping with." Rose snaps back and Ruby laughs.
"Library. Calm." Ink
"I'm fine." R
"Library? What kind of a name is that?" Bailey sneers.
"The kind that means I'm not a slut. I'm wife material unlike whores." Rose snaps back.
"What biker would marry you." Bailey laughs getting close to me.
"Stop I'm done."
I lift Rose onto the bar.
"What are you doing?" Rose
"Everyone shut up and listen now! This is library! I will be marrying her. She will she treated as a prez wife. She is off limits and I am off limits. You see anyone try to start something with either of us, shoot them!" I growl grabbing her from the bar and pulling her into a long passionate kiss.


I was hoping to have two chapters up but we lost two coworkers in this week so my day off turned to working straight through the week.

Hopefully, I will get my two days off  this coming week to get some more chapters updated!

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